Problems with visits – second day of sisters meetings

After yesterday’s accidental accidental obtaining of information about Martha’s degradation, sisters anticipated further problems. And so it happened today.
For two weeks Martha was checking every day if her sister’s visit is booked.
And it was. The sister was booked for visits on three days.
But changing of Martha’s status resulted in cancellation of one visiting day.
The sister met Martha on Thursday. Friday visit was cancelled. Saturday is planned as new week starts on Saturday (seeing Martha by her sister on Saturday means that no one else can visit Martha until next Saturday)

Both Martha and her sister were, however, very determined.
Martha was asking in the morning. Sister came in visiting time, and was decided to wait as long as it takes. She especially came from Poland for 4 days so she can see her sister for 3 days.

We thank very much to the officer who called Mrs Governor.
We thank Mrs Governor for coming specially to the second gate, and allowing sisters to see each other.

And Martha?
She only had to pass near a boorish prison officer, who spits behind her every time when she walks by (when the officer walks by Martha’s cell, he kicks her door).
And sisters could meet, enjoy each other, and hug.
Supervised under the watchful eye of officers, if they don’t give something to each other, if they don’t write something…

Despite the difficulties – A little bit of warmth on pole of the cold…

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