Very kind gesture from other women prisoners – thank you

Today Martha got a very nice surprise.
During one of the meals co-inmates decided to make Martha a pleasure.
On the occasion of her Birthday.

They gave her some of their food rations.
Few inmates gave Martha 1 orange each and other fruits.
As a result Martha received 5 oranges and other fruits.
It was a great  and very nice surprise for Martha.
She didn’t know what to do with the oranges: to smell them or to eat them?
On friday Martha plans to make herself a “Free day” (it sounds so nice!) and make a feast from what she received.

This what happened to Martha from other inmates is a very nice surprise,
It’s especially precious, when even in difficult conditions, even having so little, with a one gesture, one sacrifice, you can bring so much joy.
We thank very much for that.
We try to support Martha in everything, but we cannot be near Martha.
The more we are grateful to people, who are in a difficult position themselves, but they can get to show spontaneous, unconstrainted kindness.

The situation also proves that Martha is liked everywhere.
She’s a good and warm girl, arousing general sympathy.
Probably except some people from Irish GARDA and some lying Irish journalists calling Martha Ice Queen Killer.

Life shows, who is really who.
All the time the question will come back:
“Is it possible for such warm and liked person like Martha, could harm anyone?”
Today it’s Martha who was harmed, but she bears that very bravely.

Once more we thank very much to the inmates of Dochas Centre prison for a very kind gesture towards Martha.

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