Letter/painting from March 26, 2018 (fifth anniversary of Csaba’s death) – “As far away from here as possible”

Martha’s mum asked, that Martha, if she has a hard time, would express her emotions through painting.
On fifth anniversary of Csaba’s death, when it was especially hard for her, Martha painted a picture. The family, which received it, understood Martha’s state.
A silhouette of a woman bent down. Face pointing down. Hair covering everything. Hands covering face from surrounding sharp bushes. The hands protect the face tilted towards the ground, and at the same time allow it to tear through the brushwood. The silhouette is in motion, even running. And everywher around – dry, sharp, scratching bushes.
Everything dominated by two colors – black and red turning into orange.
The state of Martha of March 26, 2018.

On the opposite side Martha painted a silhouette of a girl with balloons with meaningful writing: “As far away from here as possible”
Besides a letter to the sister. “I do everything to not lose my mind”
And Martha’s countdown… precise… days, hours, minutes… to her sister’s arrival…

We didn’t discuss publication of the painting with Martha.
Martha writes that after reading, throw away “this ugly picture, so it won’t scare You”.
The sister didn’t throw it away, she was not scared.
The picture has something in it.
Before everything it expresses Martha: her  feelings, her state… truth…

It was a good idea, to advise Martha to express her emotion through painting…

We will publish fragments of a short letter to her sister.
Maybe someday, after discussing it with Martha, we will also publish the painting from March 26, 2018…
Maybe someday… Martha will paint another picture… different colours, different situation, different environment, different Martha…
Maybe someday…