“Does Martha speak, read and write in English?” – most letters in English come from Ireland – Thank You

“Does Martha speak, read and write in English?”
“The language of Martha’s heart and thoughts” is Polish.
When coming to Dochas Centre prison, Martha used English language on a level enabling basic communication (we are not linguists, therefore we can’t asses professionally Martha’s knowledge of English language).
In prison Martha finished next stages of learning English language.
Today she uses English far better then 2 years ago.

She probably speaks English better, reads a bit worse, and writes the worst… but… to answer the question…
If someone doesn’t know Polish language, then
We invite you to write letters to Martha in English…
Martha has certainly problems with legal English language, but that kind of letters please send to us or to Martha’s solicitor, not to Martha herself.
Martha also responds every letter, so she will try to respond in English also.

We thank very much to all people using English language for interest in Martha’s case.
Currently most of letters in English, comes to Martha from Ireland.
It’s nice, when other people, besides family, friends and compatriots, declare will to help. All advice and information are exceptionally valuable.
Thank you.