Highly recommended

Reasonable preparations for key months for Martha

Nearest months will be decisive for Martha’s case.
What we are preparing for, and what are we planning in the nearest months?
1. Preparation and submission of an application to European Court of Human Rights (September, October).
2. We are preparing all new facts for resubmitting the case to the Court in Ireland.

Those actions are aimed not only at freeing Martha, but also clearing her from the gruesome and absurd accusation: premeditated murder.
(In today’s world freedom is a relative concept, and there is no justice at all. There is no doubt, however, that currently Martha does not experience either FREEDOM, or JUSTICE.)

As always, there is a third way:
3. Martha may decide that she wants to serve her sentence in Poland.
But then our fight will cease to be a fight for justice (clearing her from an absurd accusation will be impossible).

We want to use our time reasonably.
Due to a string of actions, there may be a reduction of number of posts on our websites.
Please do not take this as a decreasing of our interest in mutual cooperation.
We appreciate sincere interest in Martha’s problem, and a will to help.
Also, such interest and support gives us strength in this incredibly difficult fight.

In the nearest future we are planning to update all important information missing on our websites. Announcements of appearing of this posts were published long ago.
Refining of those posts also requires us to devote more time.
Those information will certainly be very important in creating the proper opinion on Martha’s case.
In the same time we will write less about does Martha drink coffee in prison, and  when she eats popcorn.
We will avoid something, what sometimes could be called “forced posts”.
We have a lot to write about, but we lack of one thing that Martha has too much: time.
We don’t hide that it took less time for us to write about what happened to Martha in prison on a given day, but…
We won’t stick at all cost to previous plan to publish one post a day.
Soon we will start (or for some people restart) closer exchange of emails with people, who are truly interested in Martha, and want to help us.
This way we will start giving access to more confidential information, that will not be published on the websites.

The  end of summer holiday is inevitably coming…
With new strengths, with positive attitude, reasonably, with intensification of actions in a short period of time…
There is a big chance, that the end of the year will bring the desired breakthrough in the case…
It’s time…

We’re starting a new facebook page – Justice for Martha – We encourage you to like, watch and share

We’ve started a new facebook page: Justice For Martha

We encourage you to like, watch and share the page.
We will post there contents published on our sites.
Both in Polish and English language.

Official internet sites regarding Martha’s case are:
and http://helpformartha.org

On facebook there are fanpages:
Help for Martha
and now    Justice For Martha

When we established the sites in October 2017, we were thinking about the name.
We’ve chosen “Help for Martha”.
Today, from the perspective of time, we have suggestions, that some of our friends didn’t enter those sites yet.
“Help for Martha”, for some people, is associated primarily with financial help.
Someone, who doesn’t want to support financially, doesn’t like to be forced or solicited. He or she doesn’t eve want to check, what is on the website.
There are plenty of people in need of financial help.
Most painful is the fight of many people for life or health, often a fight with time.
We sincerely feel for those people.
Martha needs help also.
Also financial help.
But financial help is just a part of needs regarding Martha.
Other forms of helping Martha are equally important.

Martha’s main needs are JUSTICE and FREEDOM.
But for this to happen, she needs – HELP.

Is JUSTICE for Martha possible?
There is no justice in this world.
What happened in Martha’s case?
Absurd accusation, scandalous verdict.
What can be done?
Martha can not be compensated for what happened.
We don’t believe in full restoration of justice.
But maybe just… a little,
some… appearance of justice.

It would be better than what is now.
Maybe a bit naive, but we will strongly promote the need of JUSTICE for Martha.
And because justice is blind, it needs… HELP.
One needs, at least sometimes… to lead by the hand… to help… take in… do not ignore… take care… make a good deed…

We encourage you to promote
Justice For Martha