Highly recommended

Nearest plans regarding Martha’s case – a busy end of a year and a promising start of new year

How will this year end?
What else do we plan in upcoming time?

We present our nearest actions:
1. Change of the graphic layout of the websites pomocdlamarty.pl and helpformartha.org
2. Publishing of abnormalities in the investigation and in the trial.
3. Airing of the “Case for the reporter” programme in Polish TV (probable date is Thursday, November 29, at 9:30 p.m.)
4. Filling of missing abnormalities in the investigation and the trial.
5. Starting Frequently Asked Questions page.
6. Starting fundraising for two kinds of expertise needed to submit the case in Ireland.
7. Works for resubmitting the case to the Court in Ireland – NEW FACTS
8. Submitting the case to the Court in Ireland – NEW FACTS – January 2019

Martha is learning for high school exam, and we act.
May Martha could spend her life after high school exam free…
Would that…
… We already have New Year wishes for 2019…

The family keeps Martha updated about comments on websites and fan pages

Martha’s family runs websites http://pomocdlamarty.pl and http://helpformartha.org
The family also runs two facebook fan pages: Justice for Marta and Help for Martha.

Martha isn’t very happy with the existence of the websites.
This is not the kind of “popularity” she was dreaming of.
But now there’s no other option…
The websites are needed…
For the family this isn’t the dream job also…
Martha trusts her family, that things presented on the websites are needed for her case.
As long as Martha’s tragedy continues, the websites will testify about what grave injustice Martha met in Ireland.

Answering one of the questions: Martha doesn’t have access to the Internet in prison.
Different comments appear on the websites and fan pages.
Some of them even take the form of speaking with Martha.
The family reads those comments to Martha during telephone calls.

Martha is touched by kindness of many people she has never met.
Martha thanks everyone  for all the help and all the kind words.

Countries with the most visits to helpformartha.org

The site was started on 12th of october 2017 – the day of rejection of the appeal against the judgment of the Court of first instance, and the day of airing the TVN Uwaga programme.

Top countries. Results 1-12 of 17

Ireland 48,17%
Poland 43,13%
United Kingdom 2,90%
United States 1,55%
Spain 1,35%
Italy 0,52%
Germany 0,52%
Netherlands 0,48%
Australia 0,32%
Czech Republic 0,28%
Russian Federation 0,28%
Norway 0,20%