“Polish Court will lower the verdict of woman sentenced to lifetime imprisonment in Ireland? That’s what Martha’s family strives for.” – article on wp.pl (in Polish Language)

Polish Court will lower the verdict of woman sentenced to lifetime imprisonment in Ireland? That’s what Martha’s family strives for.

Polski sąd zmniejszy karę skazanej na dożywocie w Irlandii? Stara się o to rodzina Marty

Source: wiadomosci.wp.pl/polski-sad-zmniejszy-kare-skazanej-na-dozywocie-w-irlandii-stara-sie-o-to-rodzina-marty-6318944819763329a

31 years old Polish woman sentenced for lifetime imprisonment i Ireland. “It’s her last resort” – article on wp.pl (in Polish language)

31 years old Polish woman sentenced for lifetime imprisonment i Ireland. “It’s her last resort”

31-letnia Polka skazana w Irlandii na dożywocie. “To jej ostatnia deska ratunku”

Source: wiadomosci.wp.pl/31-letnia-polka-skazana-w-irlandii-na-dozywocie-to-jej-ostatnia-deska-ratunku-6318616900847745a

Highly recommended

“Martha was sentenced to lifetime imprisonment in Ireland. “If she wasn’t Polish, she would be free”” – article on wp.pl (in Polish language)

“Mum of Polish woman sentenced to lifetime imprisonment in Ireland: I’m not afraid that someone call me “mother of a murderer”. I know it wasn’t murder” – article on wp.pl

Mama Polki skazanej na dożywocie w Irlandii: nie boję się, że ktoś powie o mnie “matka morderczyni”

Source: kobieta.wp.pl/mama-polki-skazanej-na-dozywocie-w-irlandii-nie-boje-sie-ze-ktos-powie-o-mnie-matka-morderczyni-6210109626099841a

“Shocking story of Polish woman . She will spend rest of her life in prison in Ireland” – article on wp.pl

Shocking story of Polish woman . She will spend rest of her life in prison in Ireland.

Some call her Ice-Queen, psychopath, calculated murderer. Others call her a girl, who was mistreated by court, wrongly sentenced. Loving, calm, smiling.

Source: kobieta.wp.pl/wstrzasajaca-historia-polki-reszte-zycia-spedzi-w-wiezieniu-w-irlandii-6209204858726017a