There is a new permission for an e-cigarette, so now… no e-cigarette can be found at the prison’s reception

Martha can already have an e-cigarette.
It turns out, that Martha previously had an e-cigarette.
Martha first asks for permission, and only then she asks friends for bringing what she was permitted to have.
That was the case with earlier e-cigarette. Martha got the permission, and one of the friends brought it to the prison. Martha used it for some time.
During one of the searches in Martha’s cell, the e-cigarette charging cable was examined.
Specifically… the plug.
It was considered that this is a plug for a cell phone and Martha must have a cell phone somewhere in the prison.
Martha has the “luck” for “circumstantial accusation”, not supported by any evidence.
Therefore the cable with the same plug as for cell phones, was taken away from Martha. So Martha asked her friends for another e-cigarette, necessarily with completely different plug, not similar to the plug for cell phone.

One of her friends specially bought such e-cigarette, and on March 8th, he brought it to prison. It’s good thing that he signed handing it over.
And then the e-cigarette was not handed over to Martha, she was only supposed to apply for Mrs Governor’s permission again, and Mrs Governor didn’t have time for Martha.
Now, Martha went to Mrs Governor, she found someone else, and received the permission for e-cigarette.
So she went down to get the e-cigarette from prison’s reception, and here the officer couldn’t find it.
Martha waits calmly, until prison’s reception finds somewhere an e-cigarette brought to her by a friend.

A small thing? Of course.
But there are difficulties, annoyances, humiliations.
It’s good that Martha endures this calmly. When she’s lacking patience, the family calms her down.

Until now, Martha hasn’t received cosmetics brought to her by her sister, on the beginning of December last year. (Other inmates with lifetime sentences can already receive cosmetics and get them without any problems)

Others can have and they have… Martha – not.

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