Martha still doesn’t get the things she was promised – we will put counters on our sites

Martha is still waiting for delivering the things brought for her to prison by her close ones.
The number of things is growing.

On March 8th, her friend brought her an e-cigarette. Bought especially for Martha. So she can quit smoking.
It still, until now, can not be found at prison reception.
Martha’s friend, who brought the e-cigarette to prison, already wanted to come to the prison, to encourage the officers to more perservering search.
Maybe they are overworked, or they have so many things, that it is difficult to find just one of them.

On March 23 a friend of Martha brought her na MP3 player. Martha still didn’t receive it.

The things that Martha waits for for the longest time, are cosmetics. Her sister brought them twice. She brought the on December 8th, 2017, and  on February 3rd, 2018 (it’s good that they have long expiration date, and Martha has large patience treshold).
According to information from the meeting with Acting Chief Officer Kelleher, every person with lifetime sentences were supposed to receive them on April 1st.
And they received them. Everyone…
Except Martha.

Due to such situation we are planning introduction of counters on our sites. How many days Martha didn’t get the her due things.
For all of them Martha has permissions.

One of the counters will also count, for how many days the paintings, which belong to Martha’s sister, are held in prison.

Additional counter will be one counting days of Martha being imprisoned.
In the opinion of many people – INNOCENTLY.

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