The anniversary of Martha’s imprisonment and Martha’s name day – day after day

Martha remembers all the dates best.
She remembers about all the dates and thinks about everyone.

On July 28, there was an anniversary of Martha’s imprisonment.
The second already.
And the next day – Jylu 29 -… Martha’s name day.
In 2016, the Jury was in a hurry.
It started the proceedings on July 25, and for few days it couldn’t reach a verdict.
It couldn’t make a decision on July 29, 2016, because one of the Jurors had already planned flight for summer holiday. So decision was made in the last possible day – July 28, 2016.
(On the other hand, July 29 was the last day before summer break in the Court)
It was close and the decision about Martha’s imprisonment would be made on her name day.
(From the perspective of time, we can say that on July 28, 2016, the decision about imprisoning Martha was ANNOUNCED).

Nevertheless a date easy to remember came to Martha:
imprisonment a day before her name day.
The imprisonment is sometimes called “a birthday”.
So one day is “birthday” and the next day is name day.

Name day – Sunday, July 29, 2018, was calm for Martha.
She didn’t prepare anything for herself on the day.
The friend who visited Martha that day, gave her name day wishes.
In Ireland usually name day isn’t celebrated.
Polish people living in Ireland usually don’t have a Polish calendar with name days.

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