Do you live in Ireland? Will you want to help in a production of a TV broadcast about Martha’s case? – You are welcome

If you live in Ireland, and you would like to have some contribution in the production of a programme about Martha, than you have such possibility.
We urgently need any video recordings connected to the victims of the accident: Martha and the late Csaba.
Any recordings connected to where Martha lived or where she was working.
Any recordings of meetings in which she participated.
Recordings with the late Csaba would be equally important. All of his workplaces. Relations in his previous workplace. Recordings of his work on any of the cruise ships.
Recordings from the place of accident would be very important. Recordings from before  2013 would allow to asses the quality level of the barriers and the security of the wharf. Current recordings show how thoroughly the wharf was secured after the unfortunate accident.

What about the recordings undisclosed until now?
It’s the best time for sharing them.
Every detail may be very important.

We will be grateful for any shared recording.

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