Because of amount of learning Martha resigns her job at the library.

Martha has a lot of learning. She prepares herself for high school exam.
She has to read few books. Based on those books she has to answer a lot of questions.
One week, she received 60 questions based on one of the books.
Until next Tuesday she was supposed to prepare answers for every question.
The answer  for one question was to have volume of one page.
It’s easy to count, 60 pages of answers a week…

Regarding such great amount of material and learning, Martha decided to resign her job at the library.
For the last few days she was teaching 3 women, fellow inmates.
The last day she taught those women was Sunday, November 18.
Since Monday, November 19, they have been working in the library by themselves, without Martha.
Martha says, that the women were very pleased. Martha is also happy.

Martha also passed other job she had at the Dochas Centre prison:
She looked after dispensing clothes for inmates, that don’t have their own clothes.
Martha passed the task to another person.

Martha applies herself to learning very much, she is conscientious.
If she does not prepare herself properly, she feels like not going to class.
But she studies.
Sometimes she forces herself to, but she studies…

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