This was supposed to be extraordinary Sunday – Did Mrs Governor of Dochas Centre prison forget?

This was supposed to be extraordinary Sunday. December 9, 2018.
Four inmates of Dochas Centre prison were preparing for a special dinner.
They were supposed to be honored and awarded for leading the courses and classes learning how to prevent violence.
They were supposed to walk with their school teachers through the gate. Through a tiny roundabout. To the Mountjoy Prison. For a  combined Christmas dinner. AVP (Alternatives to Violence Project) Christmas Dinner. Christmas dinner for facilitators. Combined with facilitator from the men’s prison. During the dinner, diplomas were supposed to be given.
This was special commendation.
The inmates could also invite someone of family or acquaintances.
A friend of Martha’s sister came to Martha.
A mum of other inmate, specially arrived via train from very far away.
Martha was very excited about this day.
She was specially preparing herself. Of the excitement she didn’t eat anything for the whole day.
Formally, she was to receive a pass.
A pass which guaranteed a walk throuhg a few meters of freedom. Because that’s the length that separates the gate of the women’s prison from men’s prison.
Few meters of sky without bars and meshes. Few steps on freedom… in a straight line…
Seems like not so much…

Everyone’s ready, everyone’s waiting… and…
…(we will not use an ugly word here)…

Irish Prison Service couldn’t let out, or rather pass for a moment, four women from Dochas Centre.
It couldn’t because…
…because Mrs Governor of Dochas Centre prison, Mrs Mary O’Connor… didn’t send an e-mail… to Irish Prison Service… with disposition…

We won’t even describe the feelings of four inmates…
The teachers were very angry and disappointed. They tried to do something about it, but they couldn’t do anything…

…Only thing left for Martha and other inmates was to ask for a visit of people who came…
…not without problems… they managed to get… 20 minutes of visit…
…Martha apologized to the sister’s friend for an hour of delay and for all the mess…

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