In this winter time, I often think about the people of good heart.
You and all the rest of the family are such a person.
I hope your good heart sets an example to others and repays you with the same.
Thank you for your good hearts with my loved ones.
Marta Herda
December 2019
Category Archives: News
Medical examination for Martha – NOT in Ireland
On Tuesday, August 13, Martha was scheduled with new medical examination in a hospital nearby.
Martha had consulted her family in Poland.
Medical examination and proper treatment are certainly needed for Martha. Both Martha and her family see that.
But after consulting the family, Martha decided: NOT in Ireland.
On Monday, August 12, Martha went to the nurse in prison, and told her about the decision. With respect, politely, but firmly, she refused for the possibility to pass proper medical examination.
The nurse had written Martha’s statement (in English) about refusing all medical examinations in Ireland.
Martha signed the statement.
Tuesday, August 13, passed quietly for Martha.
It’s been 3 YEARS already since the disgraceful sentence in Ireland, it’s 3 YEARS of harming Martha Herda
July 28. 2016, Martha Herda appears by herself in the Central Criminal Court in Dublin
A few minutes before the noon, she heard a sentence: lifetime imprisonment.
One would say: “Only in Ireland” – to come for the trial on one’s own recognizance and be imprisoned for the rest of life. In this young girls case – for all of her life.
Yes – “Only in Ireland”
The jury, which couldn’t reach a consensus for few days. Suddenly, “miraculously”, unexpectedly, in the last moment, issues almost unanimous verdict, 11:1.
We say again: “Only in Ireland”.
Today, after 3 years since that day, sometimes we ask ourselves: “Where the verdict set in the case of Martha Herda really come up?” “And when did the verdict in the case of Martha Herda really come up?”
Are we entitled to such questions?
Maybe time will provide answers and proofs for those questions.
Where do the verdicts in Ireland do come up?
“Only in Ireland”?
And what is now, after 3 years?
The girl, who needs specialized psychological assistance, who is struggling with traumatic memories, who was burdened with responsibility also for the behavior of the passenger of her car.
Instead of receiving such help, she was considered a person, who needs to be isolated from the “healthy”, “normal” society.
One would like to ask “WHO is “healthy” and “normal” here”?
Yes, such things happen only in Ireland.
Open letter of Martha Herda family to Fergus O’Brien
Soon we will publish a statement from Martha’s family regarding retirement of detective sergeant Fergus O’Brien
Mother of murder victim when told her son’s killer had been found guilty: “A stone has been lifted off my heart” – Irish Examiner
Mother of murder victim when told her son’s killer had been found guilty: “A stone has been lifted off my heart”
Mother of murder victim when told her son’s killer had been found guilty: “A stone has been lifted off my heart”
A top detective has revealed that when the mother of Csaba Orsos heard that her son’s killer had been found guilty, she said: “A stone has been lifted from my heart”.