“It’s my life – A life sentence! Fragments of book written by Polish woman convicted for murder” – The Polish Telegraph (in Polish language)

Its my LIFE – Dożywocie! Fragmenty książki Polki skazanej za morderstwo! | The Polish Telegraph

Its my LIFE – Dożywocie! Fragmenty książki Polki skazanej za morderstwo! | The Polish Telegraph

Source: www.thepolishtelegraph.co.uk/wiadomosci/artykul/175-its-my-life-dozywocie-fragmenty-ksiazki-polki-skazanej-za-morderstwo

‘Every Women – Every Story’ – a supplement of the post from May 9, 2018

On May 9, 2018, we’ve published a post:

Special meeting of all women prisoners – Martha understands very little

Today was a meeting of every woman prisoner, held in the gym.
Everyone who wanted to come.
We’re not sure of the occasion or the purpose of this meeting.
It is possible that it was held on the occasion of 100 anniversary of gaining rights by women in Ireland.
The meeting happened on 10 a.m. and lasted until 11:40a.m.

Read more…

Now we publish a supplement:

Every woman – every story

Source: http://www.wgpa.ie/every-woman-every-story/

Toward a Trauma – Responsive Criminal Justice System: Why, How – Dublin Castle Conference Centre 4th July, 2018 – Governor Mary O’Connor

Dochas Centre: How Christmas Day is spent inside Ireland’s women’s prison – rsvplive.ie from December 24, 2018

Dochas Centre: How Christmas Day is spent inside Ireland’s women’s prison

Dóchas Centre: How Christmas Day is spent inside Ireland’s women’s prison

RSVP’s Marguerite Kiely visits Mary O’Connor, governor of theDochas Centre in Dublin

Source: www.rsvplive.ie/news/irish-news/dchas-centre-how-christmas-day-13766478

It’s starting again… The worst month in the year…

Martha’s family is able to recognize Martha’s mood from the tone of her voice on the phone.
Is everything alright or not.

On last calls Martha is sad.
When pressed, she finally said:
“It’s 6 years already.
It’s the month.
I’m imagining Csaba’s family.
His Mother and Brother, when they stand over Csaba’s grave.”

Recently Martha’s family is very busy.
Last arrangements about further actions in Martha’s case are finalized.
Very important final meetings and arrangements.

“If you need this, If you can’t handle this, we will specially come to you”

“No, there’s no need”

After experiences of past 6 years, Martha’s family is exceptionally watchful in March.
Nevertheless it’s Martha who always reminds about this month.
It’s good that this year she reminded earlier, and not near March 26.

Not sleeping at night… thinking…wondering… analyzing what could be done differently, is starting again.
And there’s no counsellor around…
Everlasting trauma, returning with enormous power…

We thank very much to Martha’s friends in Ireland.
If it is possible please use all visit Martha is entitled to.
Thank you very much…

Do you live in Ireland and suspect that Irish GARDA violated Your rights? – Please: HELP Irish GARDA

If you live in Ireland and you suspect that Irish Garda
– commited a crime against you
– violated your privacy
– illegally invigilates, follows or eavesdrops you
do not ignore it.
Report it.
File your complaint to Garda Ombudsman.
It’s an institution completely independent from police service, financed by Irish Government.

We publish a link to a website of Garda Ombudsman, where you can find proper form, and information about this institution and way of proceeding.
Information is available in several languages, including Polish:

If you’re suspecting that the interest of Garda in you may be because of your interest in case of Martha Herda, please additionally inform us about this.

Irish law, “procedural” law ensures clarity and general accessibility of all information regarding the cases that have already taken place.
No information can be secret.
If at some stage of inquiry or interest in Martha’s case, someone will forbid you access to such information – please: let us know.
Please note WHO forbid you this, and ask for a justification (preferably in writing).7

In majority Irish GARDA deserves credit for dangerous work they do responsibly.
But everywhere various single persons happen.
Please be careful.
You can never know what someone wanting to cover his or hers mistakes is capable of.

Please: DO NOT TRIFLE even a single incident.
Take care of safety of you and others.
If you have reasonable suspicions, that your rights were violated by Irish GARDA – HELP, help Irish GARDA respect your Rights.