“Who was he for me?… He had a kind heart when speaking of his family” – eleventh fragment of Martha

Who was he for me?

I first met him when I started working in the same hotel. We have known each other for two years but it wasn’t a close acquaintance. We were from different environments. He had his colleagues and spent the time with them. We never went together anywhere and there was no romantic or sexual relation between us. For the first year Csaba was courteous man. He had a kind heart when speaking of his family.

“Everywhere is full of …, …, … (three names in plural come up)

We have published Martha’s painting “Fire everywhere around”.
The picture was painted on March 23, 2018 – on fifth anniversary of Csaba Orsos’s death.
Mum had encouraged Martha to paint her feelings.
So she will express her emotions that way.
Martha painted and sent to the family.
With a note “After reading, please throw away this ugly picture, so it won’t be scaring you”.
We have described the picture in one of previous posts.
The painting has something in it.
It expresses something.

We have agreed with Martha to make it public.
Martha gave a title.
She also explained what was on her mind wile painting it:
“Everywhere is full of …, …, … (and here three names in plural come up).

How did it happen, that there are so many unfriendly people around?

Martha holds no grudge towards Csaba.
For his behavior in the car he paid the biggest price.
She regrets very much, that he couldn’t make it to the shore.
If he had survived, he would be the one to be expected to give testimony and explanation of what had happened.

Csaba is dead.

Others live.
…, …, …
“Fire everywhere around”

A picture painted in different circumstances, fits to feelings of Martha and her family after the unfavorable decision of Supreme Court.
…, …, …, are still triumphant.

One of Irish newspapers, which is reading thoroughly through our sites, in their articles matched Martha’s general mentions to specific inmates.
Will now the newspaper want to establish, whom Martha could have on her mind while painting the picture?
It is welcome to do it.
Or maybe it will make it’s own list of people most… “deserving”?

Highly recommended

Will Martha stop to succumb to extortions? – Will she be herself? – First person – Csaba Orsos

Martha is such a kind soul, that she often relents.
For peace, often at her expense.
Unfortunately, strong personalities, who sometimes appear around her, with different intentions, use this against Martha.

Will Martha stop to succumb to such extortions?
Will she start to be herself?
Will she start to make decisions according to her own choice and her own good?

The first extortionist was Csaba.
On the unlucky day he forced Martha to drive towards the beach.
He wanted Martha to drive.
Martha didn’t want at first.
She succumbed.
She didn’t want to be seen in the car with Csaba… and she started driving.

Then she “stood up”.
She told Csaba, that she’s going home and she will not drive to the beach.
“Standing up” and opposing at this moment led to the tragedy.

And she could not succumb to Csaba’s extortion earlier…
She could…
It’s easy to say…

Martha is can’t stop worrying about others.
But maybe she could be… a little bit more resolute…
About the man from other social culture…
Culturally accustomed to male domination…
Where woman has nothing to say…
Where a woman can even be abducted, and she agrees for this…

Maybe Martha could…
If she was less kind…
If she could…

Letter/painting from March 26, 2018 (fifth anniversary of Csaba’s death) – “As far away from here as possible”

Martha’s mum asked, that Martha, if she has a hard time, would express her emotions through painting.
On fifth anniversary of Csaba’s death, when it was especially hard for her, Martha painted a picture. The family, which received it, understood Martha’s state.
A silhouette of a woman bent down. Face pointing down. Hair covering everything. Hands covering face from surrounding sharp bushes. The hands protect the face tilted towards the ground, and at the same time allow it to tear through the brushwood. The silhouette is in motion, even running. And everywher around – dry, sharp, scratching bushes.
Everything dominated by two colors – black and red turning into orange.
The state of Martha of March 26, 2018.

On the opposite side Martha painted a silhouette of a girl with balloons with meaningful writing: “As far away from here as possible”
Besides a letter to the sister. “I do everything to not lose my mind”
And Martha’s countdown… precise… days, hours, minutes… to her sister’s arrival…

We didn’t discuss publication of the painting with Martha.
Martha writes that after reading, throw away “this ugly picture, so it won’t scare You”.
The sister didn’t throw it away, she was not scared.
The picture has something in it.
Before everything it expresses Martha: her  feelings, her state… truth…

It was a good idea, to advise Martha to express her emotion through painting…

We will publish fragments of a short letter to her sister.
Maybe someday, after discussing it with Martha, we will also publish the painting from March 26, 2018…
Maybe someday… Martha will paint another picture… different colours, different situation, different environment, different Martha…
Maybe someday…

The power of hope resulting from Easter

Easter is two events connected to Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ, whose name no one questions, and each religion only differ in their assesment of who he wasm and what role he played.

Those two events are:
1. The martyr, selfless death after an unfair trial and a scandalously unfair sentence
(As you can see, unfair trials, and grossly unfair sentences have a very long tradition)
2.Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

For believers, enormous hope flows from resurrection of Jesus Christ.
In the Holy Bible, a scripture recognized by many religion as a Word of God, St. Paul described this (1 Corinthians 15:12-14,16,17)

12 But if it is preached that Christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? 13 If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14 And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith.


16 For if the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised either. 17 And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile

If Christ had risen from the dead then there is (will be) a resurrection.
If Christ had risen from the dead, then others will rise also.
If Christ had risen from the dead, then Csaba will rise from the dead also.
If Christ had risen from the dead, then milions of people who died will rise from the dead also.

If Christ had NOT risen from the dead, then… all Christian religions have no sense.

May faith in Resurrected Jesus Christ will be a source of enormous strength in waiting for resurrectiopn of every close ones, who died.
Someday this resurrection will take place…


Martha can not take it mentally – the family asks Martha’s friends in Ireland for visiting her as fast as possible

Martha can not cope mentally after March 26th.
While talking with the family over the phone, she is depressed. She sounds like she’s not herself anymore. She admitted that she cries a lot. She can’t sleep. She’s talking with Csaba. She feels like Csaba was being beside her.
She’s testy. And for the more, some young officer laughs at her, when she pours herself four bottles of water.
Additionaly it’s two week break in the school.
Everything in prison makes her angry.
She takes excessive blame on herself for the accident.
She takes blame on herself for making so many trouble to her family.
This is how fifth anniversary of Csaba’s death made impact on Martha.

The family and friends missed that date. Outside prison they have their families, concerns and problems. The pace of life is enormous. They lack the time.
Martha has… all the time and dates.
And she counts… or counts down.
Joyful countdown is how many days left to her sister or mum coming over.
How many days to her friends visit.
But there are also sad countings: how many days have passed since… the tragic accident.

The sister will fly from Poland to visit Martha only in April.
So the family asks Martha’s friends in Ireland to visit Martha as quickly as possible, and cheering her up.
If nobody can come to her earlier, Martha’s girl friend will visit her on friday.
Is half an hour of visit enough to bring Martha to somewhat normal state?

In the future, Martha’s will have to get ready for next anniversaries on March 26th.
We can not bring back life for the young man that drowned five years ago.
Today we fight for the second victim of the accident.
The one who survived.
And she will live with the memory of March 26, 2013, till the end of her life.

One of more difficult days for Martha – today is the fifth anniversary of Csaba’s death

Today Martha called her sister earlier than usual. By Martha’s voice, the sister figured out that something’s wrong. But Martha didn’t want to say what is wrong. Only after the evening phonecall Martha revealed the reason for her todays lack of mood. Today is the fifth anniversary of Csaba’s death.

Martha couldn’t sleep at night. Only midnight started and she realized that at this moment exactly five years passed now.

Martha thinks aboout Csaba every day. She can not accept that he is dead. Sometimes she even has something of a grudge against him, that he died and left her alone with responsibility for the accident.

Today Martha felt Csaba’s presence in some special way. Just as if he was with her and talked with her, like he was saying something to her, and she was saying something to him. A difficult day…

It’s good that letters from sister and mum were delivered to Martha today. They cheered her up. Few days ago, Martha also received a Christmas card from sister and mum. Family and friends support is especially valuable in such moments.

Highly recommended

How it was possible to not take fingerprints from Martha’s car?

Prosecutor, during the trial in court, said that Martha used the car as a “murder weapon”.

It’s probably the first case in history of European forensics, that nobody has taken fingerprints from the “murder weapon”.

Sticking to the terminology of the prosecutor:
Due to the lack of fingerprints taken from the car – the prosecutor doesn’t even knows who held this alleged “murder weapon”, who pulled the symbolic “trigger”.

Stating, that Martha’s car was used as a “murder weapon” is far from truth.

Why prosecutor’s statement, that Martha’s car was used as a “murder weapon” can’t be true?

Which argument convinces you? Select and vote (you can select more than one answer or provide your own).
4 votes · 1 answer

Or maybe Garda’s actions were correct?
Fingerprints were not taken from the car, only water samples were taken: both from the river (site of accident) and from the sea (place where Csaba’s body was found).

The cause of Csaba’s death was not car but… water.