Mrs Governor Mary O’Connor retires

On June 21, 2019 Mrs Governor Mary O’Connor said her farewell to Dochas Centre and retired from her office.

On that day all women prisoners were locked in their cells. During this time, a farewell event for Mrs Governor Mary O’Connor was held on the gym. In presence of officers, prison guards, friends and family.

Prisoners locked in their cells were given sweet muffins.
After the part at the gym, Mrs Governor Mary O’Connor, accompanied by her family walked around whole prison for the lat time. She also visited every cell. Martha recalls that everyone was very kind and admired her paintings.

A week earlier similar farewell event but in the presence of inmates was also held in the gym.
At the beginning a choir of prisoners sang a short song (exceptionally on that day Martha didn’t sing in the choir). Later Mrs Governor made a speech and was handed presents from the inmates. There was also a time for personal talks with women serving their sentences in Dochas Centre in Dublin.
Speaking to Martha Mrs Governor Mary O’Connor said, that everyone leaves the prison eventually.

Photo: Archive photo taken from

“It’s my life – A life sentence! Fragments of book written by Polish woman convicted for murder” – The Polish Telegraph (in Polish language)

Its my LIFE – Dożywocie! Fragmenty książki Polki skazanej za morderstwo! | The Polish Telegraph

Its my LIFE – Dożywocie! Fragmenty książki Polki skazanej za morderstwo! | The Polish Telegraph


‘Every Women – Every Story’ – a supplement of the post from May 9, 2018

On May 9, 2018, we’ve published a post:

Special meeting of all women prisoners – Martha understands very little

Today was a meeting of every woman prisoner, held in the gym.
Everyone who wanted to come.
We’re not sure of the occasion or the purpose of this meeting.
It is possible that it was held on the occasion of 100 anniversary of gaining rights by women in Ireland.
The meeting happened on 10 a.m. and lasted until 11:40a.m.

Read more…

Now we publish a supplement:

Every woman – every story


Toward a Trauma – Responsive Criminal Justice System: Why, How – Dublin Castle Conference Centre 4th July, 2018 – Governor Mary O’Connor

What are you afraid of, Irish GARDA? – “lie needs to be guarded

“The truth will defend itself – lie needs to be guarded”

Is Irish GARDA afraid of someone?

Maybe it’s afraid of mother wishing to get her child back?
Maybe a sister, who would want to see her younger sibling and a friend free…
Maybe a few true friends of Martha, who support her and her family as much as they can…
Can one be afraid of such small group of people?
Are they that strong and powerful?

Does irish GARDA try to intimidate, bribe or in some other way discourage people who want to help Martha?
If that’s the case… we thank you…
First of all: Martha’s situation turned out to be a true test for Martha’s family and friends. It already turned out who is a true family and who is a true friend. And it still turns out.
If you act that way Irish GARDA, then we thank you very much:
you’re helping us “to sift”.
More can be done with few true, honest, sincere and trustworthy people, than with a mixed “herd”.
(Please do not take offence in the word “herd”. We don’t have anything bad or derogatory in mind. Everyone has the right to his or her fear. And may use this right whenever he or she wants.
We use the word “herd” to be understandable to the addressees. Among the Irish symbols are a shamrock and a sheep. We don’t know exactly if its an ewe or ram).
Secondly: we offer you an accelerated course of Polish nature:
If you forbid something to a Pole, if you bully or discourage him, then a Pole will go there anyway even if he had no intention to do so.
History of Poland shows this clearly.
We don’t know how much Irish nature is corruptible or inclined to be intimidated. (We have our opinion but we don’t want to express it – the case isn’t ended yet. Probably at the end we will share our observations and findings).
Either way – if you act like that, Irish GARDA, we… thank you…
You mobilize the Poles… you help us…

Or maybe Irish GARDA is afraid of something?

Maybe… the TRUTH
But we can’t help here.
The truth will come out regardless of us acting or not.
Maybe people whom Martha’s case involves will be retired, or maybe they will not be here anymore…
Sooner or later, names of people involved, or rather “stained” with sentencing poor girl, will stop being considered as an impeccable guard of the Rule of Law…
Their families will be left with… with what exactly? With what kind of opinion?
After years the TRUTH comes back with greater strength and has grater impact.
And it uncovers everything… All machinations, manipulations, violations…
…Someone will write a book… Someone will make a movie based on facts… Maybe even win some prizes… Get deserved fame…

WHO is afraid of the TRUTH?
…The one who has something to hide…

What are you hiding?
What are you afraid of, Irish GARDA?

Maybe you are afraid that Martha “had to be convicted”, and Martha’s case has more to it?

Do you live in Ireland and suspect that Irish GARDA violated Your rights? – Please: HELP Irish GARDA

If you live in Ireland and you suspect that Irish Garda
– commited a crime against you
– violated your privacy
– illegally invigilates, follows or eavesdrops you
do not ignore it.
Report it.
File your complaint to Garda Ombudsman.
It’s an institution completely independent from police service, financed by Irish Government.

We publish a link to a website of Garda Ombudsman, where you can find proper form, and information about this institution and way of proceeding.
Information is available in several languages, including Polish:

If you’re suspecting that the interest of Garda in you may be because of your interest in case of Martha Herda, please additionally inform us about this.

Irish law, “procedural” law ensures clarity and general accessibility of all information regarding the cases that have already taken place.
No information can be secret.
If at some stage of inquiry or interest in Martha’s case, someone will forbid you access to such information – please: let us know.
Please note WHO forbid you this, and ask for a justification (preferably in writing).7

In majority Irish GARDA deserves credit for dangerous work they do responsibly.
But everywhere various single persons happen.
Please be careful.
You can never know what someone wanting to cover his or hers mistakes is capable of.

Please: DO NOT TRIFLE even a single incident.
Take care of safety of you and others.
If you have reasonable suspicions, that your rights were violated by Irish GARDA – HELP, help Irish GARDA respect your Rights.

How to explain this to Martha?…

Two verdicts don’t equal, two cases don’t equal also.
But how to explain this to Martha?

While being in prison Martha is interested in other verdicts, which are passed in Ireland.
She is interested, and she can’t understand.

She can’t understand a “string” verdict, she can’t understand the verdicts on conscious action for depriving someone of life, which were passed lately in Ireland.
The punishments for those actions can’t be compared to the verdict passed in her case.
The punishments are minimal, often symbolic…

In case of Martha there was no planning, no motive.
Martha didn’t use any violence.
She didn’t torture.
She found herself in the same situation as passenger, her life was also seriously endangered.
She had no criminal record.
She was released pending trial and…
The verdict was like if she was a serial killer.

Are those judgements in the case law?
In case of European law, the “paragraph” law, there is slight “forks”.
Here, in anglo-saxon case law (to not to say “wig law”), these are huge forks. It’s cosmic, incomprehensible spread.

How to explain this to Martha?
Martha asked her family such a question.

They didn’t know what to say.

The sister said, that others cooperated with DPP.
Martha told everything she know to the DPP but she defended her innocence.
She couldn’t plea guilty of something she didn’t do.
Could anyone plea guilty, contrary to oneself, contrary to the truth, of something one didn’t do?
To make DPP happy?
To get lower sentence?
On the other hand, Martha said definitely not enough regarding the behavior and actions of the passenger in the last moment before the accident.
But most of all, Martha answered the questions of DPP, and somehow the wasn’t to many questions about the behavior of the passenger…
This aspect of the event somehow wasn’t interesting for DPP…

“31 years old woman from Lubelskie is serving lifetime imprisonment sentence in Ireland. It’s her last chance for defence” – article on Dziennik Wschodni (in Polish language)

31 years old woman from Lubelskie is serving lifetime imprisonment sentence in Ireland. It’s her last chance for defence

31-latka z Lubelskiego odsiaduje wyrok dożywocia w Irlandii. To jej ostatnia szansa na obronę – Dziennik Wschodni


Martha thanks her solicitor Frank Gearty, during a phone call

On Monday, September 24, Martha called her attorney – Frank Gearty.
During the call, she thanked the attorney for his prompt action to protect her car from being destroyed.
Martha fully supports the actions of her current attorney – Frank Gearty.
She’s grateful for every action and preparations for next battles for clearing her from the absurd accusation.

The family thanked the attorney via e-mail on Tuesday, September 25.

Securing Martha’s car is very important.
We must only trust that Irish GARDA will follow clear and unambiguous dispositions of Martha’s attorney.
Probably enough strange things happened in Martha’s case already…
Maybe it’s time for some… normality…

Quick response of the new attorney to an attempt of destroying Martha’s car – thank you

We thank very much to Martha’s current attorney – Frank Gearty, for very quick response to an attempt of destroying Martha’s car.
The attorney firmly turned to GARDA’s Superintendent.
He unambiguously obliged GARDA to properly secure the car.
Under no circumstances may the vehicle be destroyed, or any of important traces be erased which will be analyzed soon.
The car is a  very important evidence both in submitting the case to ECHR, and in re-submitting the case to the Court of Appeal in Ireland.

We thank very much for very quick and very firm response.