We thank to the journalist and the journalists of Irish Daily Star for…

We would like to thank the journalist and journalists of Irish Daily Star.
So we thank for…
Your findings…

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We haven’t published everything yet, but try.
Without our help or suggestions from us.
We will fill in our thanks in a few months, although we are already grateful.


We thank to the journalist and journalists of Irish Daily Star for…

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“I feel responsible for Csaba’s death..but I didn’t murder him” -“Irish Daily Star – May 8, 2018 – Information from our sites, but how differently presented!

With an Irish eye – you’d think it’s the same information… Irish Daily Star, January 20th, 2018

We sincerely apologize to the women serving sentences in Dochas Centre

We sincerely apologize to the women serving their imprisonment in the same prison as Martha.

In one of our posts we wrote:
“Martha wants to support the actions of the family.
Probably the paintings Martha painted and those which she will still paint, will go to the auction.
Money gathered this way will go to the ALFA Foundation’s account, on which funds for legal fight in defence of Martha are collected.
Creating the paintings is time consuming.
She can to that only during the classes of school she attends to. Only 2 hours a week.
Practically this means that one painting is created for over 2 or 3 months.
Every effort makes her closer to achieve the goal which is FREEDOM.”

One of the newspapers presented this as a sensation. We didn’t intend to post the newspaper on our sites, to not advertise the paper.
But the situation forces us to do it. We post the article without referring to it’s truthfulness:

The effects of our post and the article?
Now no person serving their sentences, not only Martha, can not give any gifts or any trinkets made by themselves, to their close ones.

We sincerely apologize for that. While fighting for justice and freedom for martha, we don’t want to make anyone’s difficult situation even harder.
Although the decision about curtailment was not ours, but it was Martha’s idea for supporting the family, in responce, initiated collective restrictions.
Is this right?
We don’t have to answer that question.

We also want to ask a question to the editors of the Irish Daily Star and the author of the article, who keeps track of our website, and without hesitation used photos downloaded from our website without our permission:
“Will you be able to even apologize to those poor women, who aditionally suffer because of your quest for sensation?”

In time we will also ask you to apologize to Martha for everything.

We will summarize all your lies and the damage you have done to Martha and her family.
We will summarize all the financial gains achieved in the past 4.5 years of “pumping up” sensation and building horror, where there is only the misfortune of two families and the unfortunate death of a young man.
We will ask for redress to the Foundation of Marta Herda – for you “Ice Queen Killer”, for us – an innocent girl from Poland.

If any law firm already wishes to take care of the matter – Martha and her family invite it to contact them.