Medical examination for Martha – NOT in Ireland

On Tuesday, August 13, Martha was scheduled with new medical examination in a hospital nearby.
Martha had consulted her family in Poland.
Medical examination and proper treatment are certainly needed for Martha. Both Martha and her family see that.
But after consulting the family, Martha decided: NOT in Ireland.

On Monday, August 12, Martha went to the nurse in prison, and told her about the decision. With respect, politely, but firmly, she refused for the possibility to pass proper medical examination.
The nurse had written Martha’s statement (in English) about refusing all medical examinations in Ireland.
Martha signed the statement.

Tuesday, August 13, passed quietly for Martha.


Ireland searches for an illness within Martha and wants to treat her! – THERE’S NO CONSENT for next examinations.

1st of May. In Poland it is a holiday and an anniversary of Poland entering European Union.
This was supposed to be a calm day. But not for Martha and her family.
In the morning Martha was only allowed to brush her teeth, and on an empty stomach she was put to medical examination in the hospital nearby.
The family found out that Martha was taken for examination in the morning.
The sister called Polish Embassy. But the Polish Embassy wasn’t working. It had no sense to call for the emergency number of Polish Embassy in Dublin, because it is only a “telephone helpline”. You can talk, and be more or less favorably heard. “Please write us na e-mail” – most frequent answer. And no practical help comes out of it.
Only waiting for a phone call from Martha left.
And she called.
Half year ago Martha told about her ailments. The sister had sent Martha some medications, but the were not delivered to Martha.
Instead of that, on May 1, after half of year of waiting, she was treated with a medical examination in the hospital nearby. She was transported without handcuffs, with a car (despite the small distance – practically across the street), with two prison officers: a woman and a man.

This was the first time in three years Martha had left the prison walls. For the first time in three years she saw a sky without the bars (in prison there is a net even above the yard to stop any “air deliveries” shot above the buildings from slingshots).
Martha assesses, that everyone was very polite, and the doctor seemed suprized.
During the examination Martha was informed that another test must be carried out, and after that a treatment. During the treatment Martha’s hair could fall out.

What to think about this?
If 99 times someone hurted us. And always did it “with a smile”, “politely”, and “for our own good”. Can you now believe that this one time that someone has sincere intentions?
We don’t know that. And we don’t want to check.
The risk is too high.
Nothing was fair in Martha Herda’s case. On any stage.
Nothing was fair in the investigation, in Irish media, in the Courts, and in prison.
In prison Martha is still discriminated.
How can we believe in Ireland’s good intentions?

Martha Herda’s family strongly objects any additional, out of procedure medical examinations of Martha. It’s a shared position of Martha and her family.
We also express our surprise, that no one asked Martha for consent to those examinations, and that she didn’t have to express the consent in writing.
In every civilized European country, no medical tests would be carried out without a written consent of the patient.
Martha still has her Rights, Human Rights.
And the Ireland is still doing whatever it wants.

Ireland, do you want to help Martha?
Give her medication sent to her by her sister,
And the best cure… would be returning Martha her FREEDOM…