Highly recommended

Suggesting Martha’s “secret” phone

Martha had two phones with active cards. One with number ending in …32, the second with number ending with …05. She had one of the phones for 7 years (…32), the second one fo 2 years (…05). She used both of them.

Why she had two?
Martha says herself, that she sometimes lost the phone or leave it somewhere and she couldn’t find it. So she bought second one, as an additional phone.
She also switched the cards between them, so she was using the newer phone on the main number (…32) , and older phone on the second, additional number (…05).
The older phone,  with less used number (…05), Martha took with her in the situation, where she anticipated that she can loose it somewhere (on tours, strolls) or leave it somewhere.
Both of Martha’s phone numbers were known to her friends and both were actively used.

How billings from Martha’s phones were prepared:
Only the period from March 23rd 2013 (3 days before the event) to March 26th 2013 (the day of the event), was taken.
Only contacting selected people was presented.
What came out of it:
Using the number “…32”:
– Martha called Csaba – 4 times
– text messages from Csaba to Martha – 2 times
Using the number “…05”:
– Martha called Csaba – 8 times
– Csaba called Martha – 13 times
– text messages from Csaba to Martha – 7 times
This was juxtaposed with Martha’s phone calls  to Victor (only using the number “…32”)
– Martha called Victor – 16 times
– text messages from Martha to Victor – 11 times
Based on this, Irish Garda, and the prosecutor’s office came to conclusion, that Martha had a “secret” phone (“…05”), she used only for calling Csaba.

Despite the matter had been explained earlier, that both phone numbers were known, and in use all the time, this didn’t prevent the prosecutor to present this in the court as an argument against Martha.


Removing of phone contact

Martha is allowed make two phone calls a day, 6 minutes each. She is allowed to call only to persons declared earlier (only 5 persons on the list). The list can consist of family, friends or acquaintances.

Today Martha informed us, that reporter of TVN Uwaga was removed from the list of people she is allowed to call. Practically this means blocking of Martha’s possibility to call to TVN Uwaga reporter.

This is the first time when a person was removed from Martha’s list of people she is allowed to call. Martha’s last talk to TVN Uwaga reporter took place on 12th october 2017, after 5 pm (the day whem appeal was rejected).

Is this a reaction to recording and publicizing talks with Martha in TVN Uwaga report?

Full episode of UWAGA! Programme