They’ve made it! – Huge success of Irish prison service in Dochas Centre in Dublin!

They’ve made it!
We have already doubted if it will be possible.
Martha intervened twice.
Twice she talked to two Governors.
We were afraid that this will be to much to handle for Irish prison service in Dochas Centre in Dublin.
Maybe it will be too difficult.
Maybe it will be too complicated.
Maybe it will require too much effort.

And finally… There it is!
They’ve made it!
The Impossible became Possible!
…Only in the moment, when everyone lost their hope.

Maybe this was a tough inner struggle.
To do, or NOT to do?

After… 2 months…
There’s a surprise…
Long after the Christmas and after New Year…
Next holiday soon…

And Irish prison service had finally dealt with it and did it…

…from December 12, 2018…

We don’t know yet if all of them…
But we have signals from Ireland, that three people have already received them…
So there it is!
It started!
Only 32 more postcards sent by Martha on mid December 2018.


Marta sends 35 postcards with Christmas wishes

Marta asked one of her friends to bring her Christmas postcards in a set with envelopes.
A friend fulfilled this request.

Marta, therefore, sent Christmas wishes.
35 postcards.
Up to thirty-five people with their families.
She forwarded all correspondence to be sent on Wednesday, December 12th.
When will the prison service pass them on?
Will the postcards arrive on time?

We are very happy that Marta has a positive attitude.
She wishes others what next year will not have her or her immediate family:
Happy and Merry Christmas

For now, we do not complete the Correspondence bookmark for this information about Marta’s postcards.
We give time to get these postcards to all recipients.
Let Marta’s memory be an extra surprise at this special time.

Why fingerprints was taken from the postcards and not the “murder weapon”?

In august 2013 Martha was allowed to go to Poland.
She fulfills the request of one of the Garda officers, and sends postcards with greetings to the Garda post. She attaches a commemorative 1 grosz “for luck”.

This sending was treated as taunting of Garda. The proceedings were initiated, fingerprints were taken from the postcard and 1 grosz.

Why do you think this happened? Select and vote (you can chose one option or enter your own, short)
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Postcard from Martha


I miss you very much, and I love you every day. Thank you for the love you give me, and for all great support. I am grateful to you till the end of my days. No words can describe it. My thoughts are with you all everyday. Thank you.

Invitation to send us articles

We invite You to send us materials published before 12th october 2017, in which Irish press wrote the truth about the contents of the postcards, which were written in English.

Submitted articles we will be posted on our sites, regardless of their content.

The content of postcards presented by Irish media

And this is how Irish media presented the matter of postcards sent by Martha.

Please click on the thumbnail to see full screenshot of the article.
29th of july 2016

Screen of article on

Irish Mirror
29th of july 2016

Screen of article on Irish Mirror
29th of july 2016

Screenshot of article on
29th of july 2016

Screenshot of article on




There were only few simple words in English on the postcards. There is no possibility of mistake or misinterpretation of them.

Did the presentation of a few words TRUTHFULLY exceed the capabilities of the Irish media?

How credible are reports on Martha’s case published by the media for four years?

Martha’s case is far more complicated than few simple words on four postcards.

Highly recommended

Postcards sent by Martha from Poland in august 2013

On 2nd of august 2013, after the interrogation, Martha was allowed to go to Poland. Her passport was given back, and one of Garda officers says: “When you will be in Poland, send us a postcard from Poland”
Martha sends postcards while on stay in Poland:
Greeting card, into which the postcards were put

“Good wishes”. Greeting card, into which the postcards were put.

„Hello from Poland”

„Hello from Poland”

"Hope you have not much work :)"

“Hope you have not much work :)”

"Take care..."

“Take care…”

"XXX From Marta Herda and Family"

“XXX From Marta Herda and Family”

1 grosz coin glued to one of the postcards (sample photo)

1 grosz coin glued to one of the postcards (sample photo)

Those postcards was treated as  taunting Garda. Altogether with 1 grosz  it was treated as a bribe (1 grosz is a smallest Polish coin of lowest value). Special procedures were started, with special expert laboratory studies involving taking of fingerprints from the postcard and 1 grosz. The sender and a person from Garda, who received the consignment, were being determined.