Why Martha’s rights to secrecy of correspondence with the attorney, are violated in Dochas Centre prison in Dublin?

Ireland agreed to respect European Prison Rules.

According to those rules, Martha’s correspondance TO AND FROM HER LAWYER CAN NOT BE SUPERVISED.
It can not be opened.
Opening of letters may take place only in the presence of Martha.
Opening in Martha’s presence is only meant to make sure, that correspondence from a lawyer is indeed included in a letter described externally as correspondence from a lawyer.

That’s the law…
And the reality in Dochas Centre Prison in Dublin?
During her entire prison stay (almost 2 years), Martha receives all her letters opened, including those from her attorney.

Why Dochas Centre prison in Dublin, for almost 2 years violates Martha’s rights to secrecy of correspondance with an attorney?
Could anything regarding Martha, on any stage, in Ireland, happen lawfully?
Is respecting human, prisoner or or foreigner rights… too difficult for this country?

Or maybe another questions:
Is Ireland rulend onlby by Omnipotent Euro and Enormous Selfishness?
Are any rights respected in Ireland?

After our experience, we can answer the question: “Are any rights respected in Ireland?“, this way:… IT MAY HAPPEN