“Mother Earth spring beautiful and new life… And I will imagine all this in my heart…” – Martha’s letter from April 2017

Letter drawing








Hello Dear Sister!

Thank you for your beautiful letters.

They give a lot of support.

You are a very lovely being 🙂

The summer is starting to live.

Mother Earth springs beautiful and new life. Use as much as possible, and I will imagine all that in my heart.

Live healthy and in harmony, full of love.

I love you more than Universe.

See ya!

Better friday for Martha – the sister will come as planned earlier

Friday was already better for Martha.
Two of her friends visited her. They assessed, that Martha is in better shape then lately.

6 letters was delivered to Martha that day. She received letters from Renata (2), Katarzyna, Genowefa, Joanna and Maciej. Those letter made Martha very happy.
It doesn’t change the fact, that the letters were held for a long time by prison officers. (Considering delays in correspondance both to and from Martha, we soon will star posting inormation about current correspondance, and we will be updating it on a regular basis).

Also, this day Martha regained her sweatshirt that was stolen from her in prison. The sweatshirt was bought especially for her by one of her friends. Martha saw, that one of inmates is wearing this sweatshirt. So she asked if this was her sweatshirt? The inmate said that no. They established how this happened, that the sweatshirt went to that person. She gave back the swatshirt to Martha without a problem. She said, that she really wouldn’t want to wear other people’s clothes.
Martha was very happy to get back her sweatshirt.

Martha also defended young Polish woman that came to the prison. She is victimized and ridiculed by other inmates. Her washing liquid was also stolen. Martha de-escalated the situation, and she gave her washing liquid to the young Pole. She also defended the young woman and asked other inmates not to opress her.

It seems that Martha tough “blues” was slightly mitigated.
Martha said she will handle herself. She asked her sister not to come specially to Ireland.
The sister will come in two weeks, and Martha… is counting down to that visit.

We thank people from Ireland for wanting to visit Martha

Regarding last post of Martha’s family about prompt need of visiting Martha, we’ve received the information about people from Ireland wanting to visit her.
We thank you very much for sincere care about state of Martha and for wanting to help.
Sadly, beaurocratic Irish system doesn’t provide special situations and visits.
Martha can have two visits a week. But she can be visited by people, who were previously added to the list of visitors.
Adding people, or changing the list may occur only once a month, and just like everything considering Martha in prison, it’s done with delays and great difficulties.
On this list there are family members, friends, or Martha’s colleagues.
Now the list consists of 8 or 9 people.
If someone, for example, left to go to Poland, and will not be visiting Martha, she replaces that person with someone else, who wants to visit Martha (recently a very close friend of Martha returned to Poland).

Furthermore, when someone from from the list wants to visit Martha, he or she must first “book” the visit, at least 2 days before the actual visit. He or she can do it personally in the prison (during appointed hours: 10 a.m. – 12 noon and 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.) or by the phone (during the same hours, but rarely someone picks up the phone) or by the interntet.

On Tuesday there are no visits in the prison.
Considering, that Martha can be visited twice a week, people from her visisting list consult each other regarding who will come and when.
Using the two visits in the week causes, that on the given week no one can visit her anymore.

On current week, visits of Martha’s friends on Friday and Sunday are already booked.
The friday visit will be especially important.
If Martha’s mental and emotional state will not improve, the family from Poland considers additional, urgent, and unplanned flight to Ireland on Saturday.
Martha’s sister, and possibly Martha’s mum already prepare for this.
If Martha’s family comes from Poland, they are entitled for a “special” visit (it must be booked also). “Special” visit of family from Poland causes, that on the given week no one can visit her anymore (“special” visit nullifies two visits a week)

Caring for Martha’s proper mental and emotional state is a priority in her family’s actions.
Thank you very much for all the help.

Martha can not take it mentally – the family asks Martha’s friends in Ireland for visiting her as fast as possible

Martha can not cope mentally after March 26th.
While talking with the family over the phone, she is depressed. She sounds like she’s not herself anymore. She admitted that she cries a lot. She can’t sleep. She’s talking with Csaba. She feels like Csaba was being beside her.
She’s testy. And for the more, some young officer laughs at her, when she pours herself four bottles of water.
Additionaly it’s two week break in the school.
Everything in prison makes her angry.
She takes excessive blame on herself for the accident.
She takes blame on herself for making so many trouble to her family.
This is how fifth anniversary of Csaba’s death made impact on Martha.

The family and friends missed that date. Outside prison they have their families, concerns and problems. The pace of life is enormous. They lack the time.
Martha has… all the time and dates.
And she counts… or counts down.
Joyful countdown is how many days left to her sister or mum coming over.
How many days to her friends visit.
But there are also sad countings: how many days have passed since… the tragic accident.

The sister will fly from Poland to visit Martha only in April.
So the family asks Martha’s friends in Ireland to visit Martha as quickly as possible, and cheering her up.
If nobody can come to her earlier, Martha’s girl friend will visit her on friday.
Is half an hour of visit enough to bring Martha to somewhat normal state?

In the future, Martha’s will have to get ready for next anniversaries on March 26th.
We can not bring back life for the young man that drowned five years ago.
Today we fight for the second victim of the accident.
The one who survived.
And she will live with the memory of March 26, 2013, till the end of her life.

Martha starts writing a book

On December 14, 2017 Martha started writing a book.
The book will present, through Martha’s eyes, a precise depiction of situations in Martha’s life in Ireland. Detailed relations and descriptions of what Martha’s life in Ireland looked like. The events that led to the tragedy. Depiction of the accident itself and the moments following the tragedy. The investigation, trials and stay in prison.
Life writes further scenarios. Although Martha is in prison, still a lot is happening.
Life will write the end of this book. Will it finish in happy ending?

Martha’s sister took up the task of printing the book. For understandable reasons, the book will be finished by Martha after getting out of prison.

Is the book necessary?
Death of every human needs truth. Her we also have the tragedy of the survivor. Absurd and preposterous accusation. Glaring injustice and discrimination in the foreign country.
We’ve heard multiple times, that this is a story not only for a book, but even for a movie.
The best person to describe the situation, is the only direct witness and the person whom the tragedy involves.

Will anyone, in some time, want to read to book  and buy it?
We don’t know that.
We will publish selected fragments of what will get into the book on our pages.

If the book would become popular, and bring some financial income, would it help Martha’s family in submitting the case to European Court of Human Rights?
The case will probably make her way for ECHR before that.
After regaining freedom Martha will certainly need very specialist psychological help. She went through a great trauma in the form of accident, and things she is still going through affect her psyche in a very negative way.
Martha’s family deplores very much the fact, that such help, despite multiple efforts, is not being given to her in Ireland. Never was such help granted to Martha in Ireland.
The family, in turn, regards caring for Martha’s quite good psychic condition, as far as possible in the unfavourable circumstance, as a matter of utmost importance in helping Martha.

How can Martha’s sister reclaim her property?

Martha, without any agreement with her family and friends, got the paintings back in the prison. She had proven thus to Mrs Governor, that they were not sold. She had proven it, she gave the paintings back, but they are not handed back to the owner.

Exceptionally touching meeting in prison

On friday a long awaited meeting of Martha and her family from Poland happened.
This time, besides mum and sister, for the first time, Martha’s niece came for a visit. This meeting was very touching for Martha and she cried for a long time while hugging her family. She didn’t see her niece for few years (last time during Martha’s stay in Poland in 2013), and she counts her niece to the closest people.

Martha wanted very much to give some presents and trinkets to her family. This is what she makes them for, on the lessons she attends to. But after the “trick” with the paintings, the family wished that Martha won’t bring anyting, and don’t ask anything from the prison authorities. The most important is that they can be together for few hours.

Sea of tears will yet pour out during goodbye on sunday.

Why did the paintings go to jail?

O thursday, january 18th, unexpected thing happened. Martha called one of her friends, Mariusz, and asked him to bring back the paintings she gave her sister. Martha knew that the paintings were still in Ireland. Her sister didn’t take them for now, because they didn’t fit into the airplane luggage. Mariusz didn’t know, that this situation wasn’t discussed with Martha’s sister, and fulfilled Martha’s request.

What was this all about?
Next visit of Martha’s closest family is coming soon. This time, for the first time, her niece is going to visit her too. Martha is living with this visit. She would very much want to give some presents to her closest. That’s why she attends the school and lessons, to make something for others. All the time prison authorities don’t allow Martha, the only one of the prisoners, to give anything to anybody.

In the conversation with Mrs Governor Martha asked, that she finally be able to give some small items to her closest. Mrs Governor said, that she will not allow it because the family sells those things.When Martha denied that, Mrs Governor asked for a proof. So Martha got an “ingenious” idea, and first thing in the morning she called Mariusz, who was supposed to visit her that day, to bring the paintings.

What is Martha’s sister supposed to do now?
The paintings belong to her. They they left the prison legally. “Passing” of those paintings through prison gate was held even in the light of cameras of TVN and Superwizjer.
Will Martha’s sister recover her belongings?
How much longer will those paintings stay in prison?

This situation taught Martha and her family a lot.
The family asked Martha to not to prepare any gifts for their visit.
The most important thing is that 4 women close to each other will meet together.
Martha’s family is fighting for Martha’s freedom not trifles.

Martha's sister with paintings by Marthalink: http://helpformartha.org/2017/11/15/paintings-by-martha/