Expected, disgraceful decision? – Irish Supreme Court doesn’t want to take up the case of Polish woman – Martha Herda

On Monday, May 21, 2018, a disgraceful, unfavorable decision was made.
Supreme Court in Ireland decided that it doesn’t want to take up Martha’s case.
In the afternoon, the same day, the family informed Martha about this.
They wanted to tell this to Martha themselves.
Although they had only 6 minutes of phone call for this.
On this day Martha was happy and excited.
She looked at the new cell, in which she will live.
Especially on this day Martha called the family earlier.
She was passing on good news.
The second phone call that day – was the family, passing on the information… completely differen…
Martha broke down…
“There is no more hope for me…”

Earlier the family couldn’t handle the knowledge themselves…
In their naivety everyone was a little bit counting for a minimum of honesty in Ireland…
The effort of so many kind people, internet sites, so many meetings, letters to the Court, actions of Polish Embassy, Polish ministries, and…

The Supreme Court doesn’t want to take Martha’s case.
We don’t know the details yet.

Martha received a paper copy of the decision of the Supreme Court on Wednesday.
On Monday evening, as of now former attorney of Martha – Thomas Honan – sent her the decision by post.
(He sent it by post, although he knew, that Dochas Centre prison doesn’t respect the European Prison Rules, and opens the correspondence from the attorney).
The decision is written in English and Martha doesn’t understand it’s content.

Could such decision be expected?
Probably yes.
“The atmosphere” unfavorable for Martha.
The judgement issued earlier by the media.
Promotions and financial bonuses for the prosecutors.
So many meaningful and important people had set up against Martha.
Why change it?
Why undermine the decision of colleagues?
For a poor Polish woman?…

Doesn’t matter, that the world is laughing…
The charge of premeditated murder?
For a driver of a car falling into the water?
No logic, no thinking…
It seems you can survive it…
Maybe it’s easier to survive the giggles of thinking world, than to admit a mistake…
It doesn’t matter, that a poor Polish girl is suffering…
Maybe she deserved it…

Martha naively expected a JUSTICE from the court.
She went to the court for JUSTICE.
The prosecution came to the court for a VERDICT.
Verdict had to be most severe for Martha.
So it will guarantee points in the effectiveness ranking, fame, promotions, money…
And that it was at the expense of a poor young girl…

Is it time that Europe will get to know the judicial system in Ireland more?
Is it time that Europe too look at the paths, with which the “thought” (the word “thought” is a great misuse here, “nonthought” fits better) of Irish prosecutors, judges, GARDA, traveled before it came out to the light in a form of such ridiculous accusation?
And such a disgraceful verdict could be repaired in an “own” backyard…
Without international shame…

Maybe there is still a chance for that…
But how many chances can be given to the Ireland?…
How long one can have good intentions, and wait until someone comes to senses…
…apologizes, fixes…

I want to help

Please share as broadly as possible

Blatantly unjust judgement is touching to many sensitive people all over the world.

The story of young girl, who is alone, without family in foreign land.
Trapped by unwanted “love”.
As a result of unfortunate event – forced to fight for life with forces of water, with the river, storm, the tide.
Struggling with unfeeling Irish law system.
Presented in the worst possible way in Irish media.
Pushed around by prison authorities.

Who could be interested with it?
The “strongest” people in Ireland have set up against her.

Who will back a poor Polish woman, who is not supported by “anyone important”?
Poles, “the eastern wall” of Poland, Lublin, Świdnik? (According to some Poles, she abandoned Poland after all).

People with money or acquaintances do not sit in jails.
Martha has neither money nor acquaintances.

The third force is public opinion and the internet.

Martha is NOT GUILTY of what she is accused for, and IRELAND HAS GREAT REASON TO BE ASHAMED.

If You think You want to help us, please share as broadly as possible:

  1. TVN Uwaga programme
  2. Money raise for helping Martha

Internet’s paths are various. We need such a “tide” of sharing with which Marta fought for her life. Martha is still fighting for her life. This time in different way. Thank you very much for every share, that can add to such “tide”.


Martha’s sister finally gets a letter from solicitor, which Martha received before holidays

Martha’s current solicitor  finally pressed the “enter” button, and on january 3rd, in the afternoon, Martha’s sister received a letter via email. It’s the same letter, that Martha got on december 22nd.
Title of the letter:    “SUPREME COURT
Respondent’s notice”
It’a 10 page position of prosecutor’s office on Martha’s request of her case being reviewed by Supreme Court.
The letter was submitted to the office of Supreme Court on december 15, 2017.
Supposedly a translation is being prepared, and later, Martha’s current solicitor is supposedly about to visit Martha, with the translated version.

11th page, about which Martha was speaking, is one guiding sentence from her current solicitor.