Highly recommended

Will Martha stop to succumb to extortions? – Will she be herself? – First person – Csaba Orsos

Martha is such a kind soul, that she often relents.
For peace, often at her expense.
Unfortunately, strong personalities, who sometimes appear around her, with different intentions, use this against Martha.

Will Martha stop to succumb to such extortions?
Will she start to be herself?
Will she start to make decisions according to her own choice and her own good?

The first extortionist was Csaba.
On the unlucky day he forced Martha to drive towards the beach.
He wanted Martha to drive.
Martha didn’t want at first.
She succumbed.
She didn’t want to be seen in the car with Csaba… and she started driving.

Then she “stood up”.
She told Csaba, that she’s going home and she will not drive to the beach.
“Standing up” and opposing at this moment led to the tragedy.

And she could not succumb to Csaba’s extortion earlier…
She could…
It’s easy to say…

Martha is can’t stop worrying about others.
But maybe she could be… a little bit more resolute…
About the man from other social culture…
Culturally accustomed to male domination…
Where woman has nothing to say…
Where a woman can even be abducted, and she agrees for this…

Maybe Martha could…
If she was less kind…
If she could…