Category Archives: Videos
Member of Polish Parliament Piotr Liroy-Marzec supports Martha Herda (video in Polish language)
Member of Polish Parliament Piotr Liroy-Marzec supports Martha Herda
Hello everyone. I would like to tell you about an action in which we are involved. It’s about Martha Herda, who was wrongfully convicted to lifetime imprisonment in Ireland. You can read all about it under the video, you can get involved too. Now we are searching for any means to help Martha’s family, so she can come to Poland to be judged fairly, in a fair trial, which will be based on evidence not figments. So we ask you: pomocdlamarty,ok, get involved with us and let’s help the family, let’s help the girl who is in trouble, and she is cut off from the world in Ireland.
Best wishes and thank you.
VERY IMPORTANT VIDEO BY GROMIEC (in Polish language) – This is what is happening in Ireland – Truth will come out
Short video by Gromiec – in Polish language
Case for the Reporter (in Polish language) – November 29, 2018
Sprawa dla reportera – 29.11.2018
Sprawa dla reportera – 29.11.2018
1) Marta wyjechała do Irlandii w poszukiwaniu lepszego życia. Tam poznała mężczyznę. W 2016 r. doszło do wypadku. Kobieta jadąc ze znajomym wpadła rozpędzonym samochodem do rzeki. Ona przeżyła, mężczyzna utonął. Sąd skazał ją na dożywocie za morderstwo twierdząc, że wjeżdżając do wody zrobiła to z premedytacją. Rodzina nie zgadza się z wyrokiem sądu.