He insisted on meeting. He often appeared in places where I liked to spend time especially on the beach. When he pulled up to the beach I tried to talk to him gently that I am sorry but I can’t be with him. I did not want him to be sad so I advised him what not to do so that he could shape his life. Especially so that he would stop paying for sex and have sex with agency girls. He said he was a man and he must, but if I agree with him it will stop. I didn’t tell him that it was a disease for me and a very gross thing that I could never be with such a person.
Tag Archives: Lifetime imprisonment
With Mother and Sister – Ireland, June, 2016
“Who was he to me? “-… He escaped from the workplace (his … to mine to only see me for a while. He was instructed from the Manager …” – Twenty-second fragment of Marta’s book
He escaped from the workplace (his department building) to mine to only see me for a while. He was instructed from the Manager. Everyone knew and saw what was happening but I wanted to show that for me it is not all funny. I tried to separate myself from the situation and focus only on my work and return home.
Marta in Amsterdam, January 2013
Marta’s walk – November 27, 2015
Medical examination for Martha – NOT in Ireland
On Tuesday, August 13, Martha was scheduled with new medical examination in a hospital nearby.
Martha had consulted her family in Poland.
Medical examination and proper treatment are certainly needed for Martha. Both Martha and her family see that.
But after consulting the family, Martha decided: NOT in Ireland.
On Monday, August 12, Martha went to the nurse in prison, and told her about the decision. With respect, politely, but firmly, she refused for the possibility to pass proper medical examination.
The nurse had written Martha’s statement (in English) about refusing all medical examinations in Ireland.
Martha signed the statement.
Tuesday, August 13, passed quietly for Martha.