Martha’s first test before High School exam

On Friday, November 9, Martha took the first part of the test before the high school exams.
In the form of conversation and tests her degree of preparation for the exam was checked.
Reading in English, writing in English and mathematics.
First part of the exam lasted for about 40 minutes.

The second part of the exam was a week later, on Friday, November 16.
Just like the first part it lasted for about 40 minutes.

The test concerned checking if Martha has dislexia or dysgraphia.
If it would turn out that Martha has dyslexia or dysgraphia, she would have additional time during the high school exam.

The final exam is planned for June 2019.
Alongside with Martha, few women from Dochas Centre prison also prepare for high school exams.
Number of women can still change, but as of now, it’s about 6 women.

Martha is still learning for exams.
She doesn’t yet know the results of her check exam.

Martha receives two new certificates and 3 books to study for her high school exam

On Tuesday, June 26, Martha received next two certificates.
The ceremonial handing of the certificates to the women of Dochas Centre prison in Dublin, was held at the special ceremony at the gym.
Martha received thwo certificates: for the “leather” and for “art”.
She received one of them in front of everyone.
The second will be delivered via mail.
Martha holds total of 18 certificates.
Every woman was walking to get her certificates, and received applause from fellow inmates, and made a short speach.
Martha had spoken about the image she painted for exhibition against racism.
She described her painting (which was based on the “eye” with flags of different countries inside, in the eye) and her attitude.
She was talking about prison officers and women serving sentences.
Everyone needs to avoid all signs of inappropriate behavior.
Martha is certain that women serving sentences in Dochas Centre prison will get out of it with right approach to other people.
Martha herself will come back to Poland some time, and she will be avoiding any sign of discrimination.
She will also remember proper attitude of Irish women.
Martha’s speech was liked a lot, and it was rewarded with applause.
Later, at coffee and a cake, other fellow inmates congratulated Martha her speech.

On the same day, Martha received 3 books for the period of vacation.
It’s the first part of books, with which Martha has to get acquainted during her preparing for high school exams.
About one of the books Martha said, that it is very thick.

We congratulate receiving next certificates and proper attitude towards other people…
Is prison a good place for people like Martha?
Should such person be isolated from other people?

Annual meeting with Martha – Martha wants to pass the high school exam next year

On Friday, June 15, 2018, Was an annual meeting with MArtha.
Once a year there is a meeting with people sentenced to lifetime imprisonment.
The meeting is aimed at summarizing of what an inmate has achieved during the last year, and what she plans to do next year.
7 or 8 people was meeting with Martha.
The meeting lasted about half an hour.
Among others there was Mrs Governor Mary O’Connor, Mrs School Principal and Chaplain Sister Esther Murphy.
During the meeting Martha presented all certificates she received.
Total 18.
During two years of being in prison she passed almost all levels of English language.
Martha said, that she would like to pass her high school exams next year.
Due to that, on Tuesday, Martha was supposed to receive books, so she can study for the exams already.

During stay in prison, Martha learned English language to a large extent.
Oftenly she has no time on the given day to reply to the letters she’s receiving.
She says to the family, that she has lots of homework and she has to study.
She’s not always happy, that she is learning not the things she wants.

The family is glad that Martha is busy.
She’s taking every course available in prison.
She’s using the time somehow.
For now for the benefit of herself.
In future, she will probably share with others what she will learn…

In every place you can find yourself in future, it is worth to use your time wisely…