“Ireland: Polish woman convicted to lifetime imprisonment. Liroy-Marzec gets involved in the case.” – dorzeczy.pl (in Polish language)

Ireland: Polish woman convicted to lifetime imprisonment. Liroy-Marzec gets involved in the case.

Irlandia: Polka skazana na dożywocie. W sprawę angażuje się Liroy-Marzec

Source: dorzeczy.pl/kraj/98967/Irlandia-Polka-skazana-na-dozywocie-W-sprawe-angazuje-sie-Liroy-Marzec.html

“Polish woman convicted to lifetime imprisonment in Ireland. A fund raise for legal aid started.” – radiozet.pl (in Polish language)

Polish woman convicted to lifetime imprisonment in Ireland. A fund raise for legal aid started.

Polka skazana na dożywocie w Irlandii. Ruszyła zbiórka na pomoc prawną

Source: wiadomosci.radiozet.pl/Swiat/Irlandia.-Polka-skazana-na-dozywocie

“Outrageous! Polish woman in Ireland convicted to lifetime imprisonment!” – prawy.pl (in Polish language)

Outrageous! Polish woman in Ireland convicted to lifetime imprisonment!

Skandal! Polka w Irlandii skazana na dożywocie!

Source: prawy.pl/101581-skandal-polka-w-irlandii-skazana-na-dozywocie/?fbclid=IwAR0YXo-y53DYwQCVwBPvdFZb32Nrn8RyUOvXsFawJVfFbdhHvl23S2wEmt8

“Dramatic situation of Polish woman in Ireland. Irish court convicted her for alleged murder. The family is fighting for a new trial.” – wpolityce.pl (in Polish language)

“Liroy wants to help a Polish woman convicted to lifetime imprisonment in Ireland. “She was wrongly convicted. We’re searching for means to help the family”” – nczas.com (in Polish language)

Liroy wants to help a Polish woman convicted to lifetime imprisonment in Ireland. “She was wrongly convicted. We’re searching for means to help the family” | nczas.com

Liroy chce pomóc Polce skazanej w Irlandii na dożywocie. Została niesłusznie skazana. Szukamy środków, żeby pomóc rodzinie” | nczas.com

Source: nczas.com/2019/04/05/liroy-chce-pomoc-polce-skazanej-w-irlandii-na-dozywocie-zostala-nieslusznie-skazana-szukamy-srodkow-zeby-pomoc-rodzinie/

“We’re fighting for freedom for Martha Herda” – Władysław Hanczar on Facebook (in Polish language)

We’re fighting for freedom for Martha Herda

źródło: https://www.facebook.com/wladyslaw.hanczar/posts/2196026797149244

“Polish woman in Irish high security prison. Liroy-Marzec took interest in the case” – wprost.pl (in Polish language)

Polish woman in Irish high security prison. Liroy-Marzec took interest in the case

Polka w irlandzkim więzieniu o zaostrzonym rygorze. Sprawą zainteresował się Liroy-Marzec

Source: www.wprost.pl/kraj/10205656/polka-w-irlandzkim-wiezieniu-o-zaostrzonym-rygorze-sprawa-zainteresowal-sie-liroy-marzec.html

“Ireland. Liroy puts word for Polish woman.”She was wrongly convicted to lifetime imprisonment”” – gazeta.pl (in Polish language)

Ireland. Liroy puts word for Polish woman.”She was wrongly convicted to lifetime imprisonment”

Irlandia. Liroy wstawia siê za Polk±. “Zosta³a nies³usznie skazana na do¿ywocie”

Source: wiadomosci.gazeta.pl/wiadomosci/7,114881,24620947,liroy-wstawia-sie-za-mordercza-krolowa-lodu-polityk-chce.html

32 years old Marta Herda convicted in Ireland for lifetime imprisonment. “Every penny can help” – wp.pl (in Polish language)

32 years old Marta Herda convicted in Ireland for lifetime imprisonment. “Every penny can help”

32-letnia Marta Herda skazana w Irlandii na dożywocie. “Każdy grosz może pomóc”

Source: wiadomosci.wp.pl/32-letnia-marta-herda-skazana-w-irlandii-na-dozywocie-kazdy-grosz-moze-pomoc-6367026204407425a