Tag Archives: Article
Toward a Trauma – Responsive Criminal Justice System: Why, How – Dublin Castle Conference Centre 4th July, 2018 – Governor Mary O’Connor
“Not only about the case of Tomasz Komenda” – Oleńka Wagner – Salon24.pl (in Polish language)
Nie tylko o sprawie Tomasza Komendy
Nie tylko o sprawie Tomasza Komendy
Source: www.salon24.pl/u/olenkawagner/950182,nie-tylko-o-sprawie-tomasza-komendy
Convicted Killer Marta Herda Admitted To Hospital With Illness – eastcoast.fm
Convicted Killer Marta Herda Admitted To Hospital With Illness
Convicted Killer Marta Herda Admitted To Hospital With Illness
Ms Herda was sentenced to life in prison three years ago, for the murder of her work colleague in Arklow in 2013.
Source: www.eastcoast.fm/news/wicklow-news/convicted-killer-marta-herda-admitted-to-hospital-with-illness/
“Liroy calls for help for a Polish woman sentenced to life” – wirlandii.pl (in Polish language)
Liroy calls for help for a Polish woman sentenced to life
Liroy apeluje o pomoc dla Polki skazanej na dożywocie • wIrlandii.pl
Source: wirlandii.pl/2019/04/liroy-apeluje-o-pomoc-dla-polki-skazanej-na-dozywocie/
Highly recommended
Life imprisonment in Irish criminal law versus the judgement in the “Ice Queen Killer” case – Prokuratura i Prawo, No. 4/2019, Izabela Jankowska-Prochot PhD (in Polish language)
Highly recommended
Open letter of Martha Herda family to Fergus O’Brien
“Sergeant, who led the case of Martha Herda is retiring” – polska-ie.com (in Polish language)
Sergeant, who led the case of Martha Herda is retiring
Sierżant, który prowadził sprawę Marty Herdy – przechodzi na emeryturę
Source: www.polska-ie.com/sierzant-ktory-prowadzil-sprawe-marty-herdy-przechodzi-na-emeryture