Highly recommended

Case for the Reporter (in Polish language) – November 29, 2018

Sprawa dla reportera – 29.11.2018

Sprawa dla reportera – 29.11.2018

1) Marta wyjechała do Irlandii w poszukiwaniu lepszego życia. Tam poznała mężczyznę. W 2016 r. doszło do wypadku. Kobieta jadąc ze znajomym wpadła rozpędzonym samochodem do rzeki. Ona przeżyła, mężczyzna utonął. Sąd skazał ją na dożywocie za morderstwo twierdząc, że wjeżdżając do wody zrobiła to z premedytacją. Rodzina nie zgadza się z wyrokiem sądu.

Source: https://vod.tvp.pl/video/sprawa-dla-reportera,29112018,39869763


Recordings for “The Case for the Reporter” program, in Warsaw television studio

On Thursday, October 25, in the Polish Television studio in Warsaw, the next part for the reportage “The Case for the Reporter” was recorded.
This time a vivid discussion was recorded.
After showing a short material recorded on October 11, the discussion began.
The short fragment recorded earlier handled Martha’s case exceptionally well, and was a very good introduction to the discussion.
Invited experts had very much to say.
Martha’s case is exceptionally shocking.
But in that case, there are many details not always presented truthfully. Maybe unnecessarily, instead of concentrating on help, too much time of the discussion was used to establish or correct the details of the case. Maybe…
It’s important that such discussion took place…
It’s important, that Martha’s case can’t be just forgotten…
It’s important, that Martha’s case can not be considered closed, just as Ireland wants…
It’s important, that there are people who want to help…
It’s important, that there are chances…

The discussion was very vivid and lasted longer than planned.
And it would last even more…
We don’t know what part of the discussion will be used in final reportage.
But after watching the first part, we are certain, that whole reportage will be carried out very well, and we thank very much for it right now…

We thank the invited experts for practical advice.
It is possible, that after airing there will be some actions for restoring justice for Martha.

We will inform about the date of airing of the program when we will know it.
We know that this will be in November. Probably somewhere near half of November.

After recording finished, Martha called the family and she managed to wholeheartedly thank Mrs Elżbieta Jaworowicz.
It was very kind and warm talk.
We are grateful to Mrs Elżbieta for giving strength and cheering Martha during the phone call.

First recordings for the “Case for the Reporter” program

On October 11, first recordings for the coverage about Martha’s case were made.
The shots were taken at Martha’s mother’s house.
A reportage by Mrs Elżbieta Jaworowicz, “Case for the Reporter”  is made.
On this day, statements of Martha’s family and close ones were filmed.
Refreshing the tragedy that affected Martha is always painful, and it’s always emotional.
It’s always hard to talk about it…
In the same time, it’s so difficult to convey pain, suffering, harm, the feeling of injustice…

We thank very much to Mrs Elżbieta Jaworowicz and the Polish Television production staff for taking interest in Martha’s case.
We hope, that the reportage will contribute to restoring justice in Martha’s case.