“WATCH: Inmates at the Dóchas centre are digging deep for Special Olympics Ireland” – Independent.ie

WATCH: Inmates at the Dóchas centre are digging deep for Special Olympics Ireland – Independent.ie

WATCH: Inmates at the Dóchas centre are digging deep for Special Olympics Ireland – Independent.ie

Up in the female prison, there are 111 women but the only thing going jingle jangle this week are the charity buckets for Special Olympics Ireland.

Source: www.independent.ie/videos/watch-inmates-at-the-dchas-centre-are-digging-deep-for-special-olympics-ireland-34637579.html

“I feel responsible for Csaba’s death..but I didn’t murder him” -“Irish Daily Star – May 8, 2018 – Information from our sites, but how differently presented!

“Mother Earth spring beautiful and new life… And I will imagine all this in my heart…” – Martha’s letter from April 2017

Letter drawing








Hello Dear Sister!

Thank you for your beautiful letters.

They give a lot of support.

You are a very lovely being 🙂

The summer is starting to live.

Mother Earth springs beautiful and new life. Use as much as possible, and I will imagine all that in my heart.

Live healthy and in harmony, full of love.

I love you more than Universe.

See ya!

“The case of Polish woman sentenced to life is proceeded before Court of Appeals” – archive article on galicjusz.pl (in Polish language)

The case of Polish woman sentenced to life is proceeded before Court of Appeals

W s±dzie apelacyjnym toczy siê sprawa Polki skazanej na do¿ywocie


W Dubliñskim s±dzie apelacyjnym toczy siê w³a¶nie rozprawa odwo³awcza 30-letniej obecnie Polki skazanej rok temu na do¿ywocie za zabicie mê¿czyzny, który j± prze¶ladowa³. Marta Herda z Arklow wjecha³a samochodem do rzeki, maj±c ¶wiadomo¶æ, ¿e 31-latek nie potrafi p³ywaæ.

Source: galicjusz.pl/wiadomosci/article?jdnews_id=47000

“Murder or accident? The case of Polish woman, Martha H. still gives sleepless nights, what is the truth?” – article on medianarodowe.com (in Polish language)

Murder or accident? The case of Polish woman, Martha H. still gives sleepless nights, what is the truth?

[TYLKO U NAS] Zabójstwo czy nieszczęśliwy wypadek? Sprawa polki Marty H. nadal zbija sen z powiek, jak brzmi prawda?

Source: medianarodowe.com/tylko-u-nas-zabojstwo-czy-nieszczesliwy-wypadek-sprawa-naszej-rodaczki-marty-h-nadal-zbija-sen-z-powiek-jak-brzmi-prawda/

“Tragedy in Ireland. Polish woman accused of murder will spend rest of her life in prison. The case is controversial” – article on wolnosc24.pl (in Polish language)

Tragedy in Ireland. Polish woman accused of murder will spend rest of her life in prison. The case is controversial | Wolnosc24.pl

Tragedia w Irlandii. Polka oskarżona o morderstwo spędzi w tamtejszym więzieniu całe życie. Sprawa jest kontrowersyjna [VIDEO] | Wolnosc24.pl


Source: wolnosc24.pl