How to explain this to Martha?…

Two verdicts don’t equal, two cases don’t equal also.
But how to explain this to Martha?

While being in prison Martha is interested in other verdicts, which are passed in Ireland.
She is interested, and she can’t understand.

She can’t understand a “string” verdict, she can’t understand the verdicts on conscious action for depriving someone of life, which were passed lately in Ireland.
The punishments for those actions can’t be compared to the verdict passed in her case.
The punishments are minimal, often symbolic…

In case of Martha there was no planning, no motive.
Martha didn’t use any violence.
She didn’t torture.
She found herself in the same situation as passenger, her life was also seriously endangered.
She had no criminal record.
She was released pending trial and…
The verdict was like if she was a serial killer.

Are those judgements in the case law?
In case of European law, the “paragraph” law, there is slight “forks”.
Here, in anglo-saxon case law (to not to say “wig law”), these are huge forks. It’s cosmic, incomprehensible spread.

How to explain this to Martha?
Martha asked her family such a question.

They didn’t know what to say.

The sister said, that others cooperated with DPP.
Martha told everything she know to the DPP but she defended her innocence.
She couldn’t plea guilty of something she didn’t do.
Could anyone plea guilty, contrary to oneself, contrary to the truth, of something one didn’t do?
To make DPP happy?
To get lower sentence?
On the other hand, Martha said definitely not enough regarding the behavior and actions of the passenger in the last moment before the accident.
But most of all, Martha answered the questions of DPP, and somehow the wasn’t to many questions about the behavior of the passenger…
This aspect of the event somehow wasn’t interesting for DPP…

Highly recommended

Case for the Reporter (in Polish language) – November 29, 2018

Sprawa dla reportera – 29.11.2018

Sprawa dla reportera – 29.11.2018

1) Marta wyjechała do Irlandii w poszukiwaniu lepszego życia. Tam poznała mężczyznę. W 2016 r. doszło do wypadku. Kobieta jadąc ze znajomym wpadła rozpędzonym samochodem do rzeki. Ona przeżyła, mężczyzna utonął. Sąd skazał ją na dożywocie za morderstwo twierdząc, że wjeżdżając do wody zrobiła to z premedytacją. Rodzina nie zgadza się z wyrokiem sądu.


Highly recommended
I want to help

“Without silver”… – “Martha’s behind bars” (or “Pole behind bars”) – why we raise funds?

‘Without “silver”… – Martha’s behind bars’ – this paraphrase of a quote of one of polish comedy groups, fits Martha’s current situation perfectly.

Ireland wants to forget about Martha already.
Martha is also no longer entitled to public defender – on Legal Aid.
And Irish GARDA wants to destroy and cover all the tracks.

Martha’s family is still fighting for justice and freedom for Martha.
On this level, legal battles are very expensive.
The family manages funds very sparingly.

1. The case was submitted to European Court of Human Rights
The application will probably have to be supplemented with expensive expert opinions.
If ECHR wants to look into Martha’s case, only then Martha will be entitled to lawyer reimbursment.

2. Martha’s case is being prepared for re-submitting in Ireland.
Elaboration about NEW FACTS in Martha’s case is being prepared.
NEW, not presented until now.
Two or three expensive expert opinions are necessary (at least two).

3. Underway is a search of Polish law firm, that would take care of Martha’s case, and her possible deportation to Poland.

All these 3 actions demand very large financial costs.

We don’t spend money senseless.



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Highly recommended

This Thursday at 9:30 p.m. on TVP1 – “Case for the Reporter” – among others about Martha

On this Thursday, November 29, at 9:30 p.m., TVP1 will air “Case for the reporter”.
Program lead by Mrs Elżbieta Jaworowicz.
One of three topics raised in the program will be Martha’s case.

You are welcome to share this information.
You are welcome to watch.
Short coverage about Martha’s case will be presented.
Next there will be a discussion in the group of invited experts.

What effect will this program have?
Will something happen in Martha’s case?
Will someone want to help in positively ending this tragedy after the airing of the program?
Will the program help in fundraising for court battles in Martha’s defence?

On what stage we will be after airing of the program?
Will it be the same as now? And only more people will know about Martha’s case?
What good will come after the program?

If we didn’t try, we certainly wouldn’t know the answers for these questions…

Alongside Martha we wait for airing of the program.
We will inform about effects…

Because of amount of learning Martha resigns her job at the library.

Martha has a lot of learning. She prepares herself for high school exam.
She has to read few books. Based on those books she has to answer a lot of questions.
One week, she received 60 questions based on one of the books.
Until next Tuesday she was supposed to prepare answers for every question.
The answer  for one question was to have volume of one page.
It’s easy to count, 60 pages of answers a week…

Regarding such great amount of material and learning, Martha decided to resign her job at the library.
For the last few days she was teaching 3 women, fellow inmates.
The last day she taught those women was Sunday, November 18.
Since Monday, November 19, they have been working in the library by themselves, without Martha.
Martha says, that the women were very pleased. Martha is also happy.

Martha also passed other job she had at the Dochas Centre prison:
She looked after dispensing clothes for inmates, that don’t have their own clothes.
Martha passed the task to another person.

Martha applies herself to learning very much, she is conscientious.
If she does not prepare herself properly, she feels like not going to class.
But she studies.
Sometimes she forces herself to, but she studies…

Highly recommended

Nearest plans regarding Martha’s case – a busy end of a year and a promising start of new year

How will this year end?
What else do we plan in upcoming time?

We present our nearest actions:
1. Change of the graphic layout of the websites and
2. Publishing of abnormalities in the investigation and in the trial.
3. Airing of the “Case for the reporter” programme in Polish TV (probable date is Thursday, November 29, at 9:30 p.m.)
4. Filling of missing abnormalities in the investigation and the trial.
5. Starting Frequently Asked Questions page.
6. Starting fundraising for two kinds of expertise needed to submit the case in Ireland.
7. Works for resubmitting the case to the Court in Ireland – NEW FACTS
8. Submitting the case to the Court in Ireland – NEW FACTS – January 2019

Martha is learning for high school exam, and we act.
May Martha could spend her life after high school exam free…
Would that…
… We already have New Year wishes for 2019…

Martha’s first test before High School exam

On Friday, November 9, Martha took the first part of the test before the high school exams.
In the form of conversation and tests her degree of preparation for the exam was checked.
Reading in English, writing in English and mathematics.
First part of the exam lasted for about 40 minutes.

The second part of the exam was a week later, on Friday, November 16.
Just like the first part it lasted for about 40 minutes.

The test concerned checking if Martha has dislexia or dysgraphia.
If it would turn out that Martha has dyslexia or dysgraphia, she would have additional time during the high school exam.

The final exam is planned for June 2019.
Alongside with Martha, few women from Dochas Centre prison also prepare for high school exams.
Number of women can still change, but as of now, it’s about 6 women.

Martha is still learning for exams.
She doesn’t yet know the results of her check exam.

HERDA vs. IRELAND – The attorney sends an appeal to ECHR

On Monday, November 12, Martha’s current attorney – Frank Gearty, sent an appeal to the ECHR.
To the application signed by Martha, the attorney attached all the documentation confirming the arguments raised.
Whole package was sent to Strasbourg.

The deadline for submitting an apllication expires on November 20, 2018.

What will the decision of European Court be?
Will it support Martha’s opinion, that her human rights were violated in Ireland?
Will the arguments presented prove to be sufficient?

All we can do is wait…
…and have hope…
We are very happy that an International Court will look into Martha’s case.
International Court in Strasbourg.

No matter the verdict…
…so that the poor girl would have to complain to the European Court…

Highly recommended

Visit of the solicitor, Frank Gearty – Martha signs an application to ECHR

On Saturday, November 10, Martha was visited by her attorney, Frank Gearty.
The main goal of the visit was discussing the issues related with submitting the application to European Court of Human Rights.
Martha got acquainted with prepared application.
Martha, just as her family, agree with the application prepared by an attorney Frank Gearty.

This is probably the first document in Martha’s case that is “on the topic”.
Specific and factual.
Arguments used are convincing even for people not knowing anything about the law.
Because every human knows and understands what rights he or she has.
And feels when his or her rights, HUMAN RIGTS, were violated.

We thank to the attorney Frank Gearty for his very good work.

Martha signed the application to European Court of Human Rights.

She didn’t want to leave a copy of the document for her in prison.

Martha’s tiring weekend – Martha gets another licence

Weekend, from October 26 to 28 was exceptionally tiring for Martha.
She gained another license.
For whole 3 days she was finishing a course.

Because of the course, Martha told her friends, she won’t be able to come for visit.
Therefore no one planned visit on Sunday.

During three days Martha was conducting classes, that were assessed.
Now she received a license, and she will conduct classes with fellow inmates on her own.
On what topic?
“How to deal with violence and how to avoid violence in prison”

We are pleased to note, that this way the prison authorities in Dochas Centre involuntarily confirm that Martha is far from using violence.
Classes with such topic couldn’t be conducted by someone, who has a problem with violence.
After knowing her closer, people who have contact with Martha get convinced, that it is impossible for Martha to ever use any violence against anyone.

“How to deal with and how to avoid…”

Is anyone in Dochas Centre more active?