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Member of Polish Parliament Piotr Liroy-Marzec supports Martha Herda (video in Polish language)

Member of Polish Parliament Piotr Liroy-Marzec supports Martha Herda

Source: https://www.facebook.com/28628345320/posts/10161545317310321/


Hello everyone. I would like to tell you about an action in which we are involved. Pomocdlamarty.pl. It’s about Martha Herda, who was wrongfully convicted to lifetime imprisonment in Ireland. You can read all about it under the video, you can get involved too. Now we are searching for any means to help Martha’s family, so she can come to Poland to be judged fairly, in a fair trial, which will be based on evidence not figments. So we ask you: pomocdlamarty,ok, get involved with us and let’s help the family, let’s help the girl who is in trouble, and she is cut off from the world in Ireland.

Best wishes and thank you.

“I will be grateful to you till the end of my life, and I will do everything for our family to be always strong and loving…”

My beloved, I want to thank You for your kind hearts. That you are with me and you give me your support. I miss You so much every day, but I am happy that I have someone I can miss. That 6 minutes of phone call every day for me is like a dessert after dinner 😉 I am very lucky that I have such love and that I have You. Some women here don’t have that and it’s very hard for them, so I understand their behavior. Because of You giving me so much strength, I can pass it to some of the women here.
I know how much sacrifice and torment all of this costs You, I can’t even imagine how can I repay you for such kindness. I will be grateful to you till the end of my life, and I will do everything for our family to be always strong and loving. It’s my greatest treasure. You and our close ones. What’s more important? For me the most important is that we can hear each other, see each other, touch. And someday we will do this aaaall together.
And this thought, thanks to You, helps me to survive everything here. Nothing more is important. Do not worry, I want you to be proud of me, and I will be strong!
Because I love life, always thanks to You, it doesn’t matter what it is, but I’m not alone in it.

Thank You!

Love You!

Mum and sister visit Martha (pt. 2)- 23rd of October 2018 – Martha receives International Red Cross Volunteer Certificate

“Tuesday was the day, when first two hours we’ve spent hugging, as always, and talking on endless subjects…

Next entry to the visiting room started with welcoming by mrs Governor of all present people, between which were teachers and  representatives of International Red Cross Organization.
The purpose of the meeting was to introduce the idea of promoting and work of the organization, and a first aid demonstration by Martha and another woman.
On this meeting, certificates were given to four women, as International Volunteers of Red Cross, including Martha.

Next was a surprise – a performance of women, who sang 3 songs with a guitar. This was them most touching element to us…
Tears were streaming down… when we heard the words abount a sister, mum, and that “someday I will fly from here…”
At the mere memory of it, our eyes get wet from emotions…

Next there were congratulations, thanks, hugs, words of encouragement for the future…
And a nice last part – coffee drunk together, with a cake.
We’ve given our portions to Martha, so she can have something sweet for later… because what else could we do…
Then hard parting… So many feelings, still to little of time spent together, to little, to short…

This was our last meeting, almost torn hands and hearts…
When will we meet again??? We don’t know…”

Mum and sister visit Martha – from 21st to 23rd of October 2018 – part 1.

“Visiting Marttha: 21st of October – 23rd of October 2018

Meeting on sunday, after few months (since April) started with tears of emotion. Feelings took us over so much, that only thing we could do was to swallow bitter tears, without the possibility to say a word…
We’ve only looked at Martha, and she looked at us, and we held our hands tight together…
After some time we started talking.
And so, not knowing when, the visit time passed.

On the next day, we were full of enthusiasm from the possibility of meeting, so the time passed even quicker, full of mixed emotions, from joy, through helplessness, anger, sadness…”

“Obstacles in the way…” – a poem by Beata Pytel (nikita) dedicated to Martha Herda

Obstacles in the way

by Beata Pytel

With dedication to Martha Herda

Your thoughts are hollowed by emptiness

You have great pain in your heart

No scarf can wipe your tears

Someday even steel breaks

So hide your heart in stone

Put a shell on your soul

On your shoulder proudy carry

All your torments

You’ll overcome all hindrances

With Faith, Hope and Love

And all obstacles put in your way

You’ll beat with your heart’s patience

Source: Beata Pytel Facebook