True friendship – now Martha from behind bars is supporting her friend Kasia

Two weeks ago, on Monday, Martha didn’t call to anyone from the family.
The family started to worry, if something happened.
And it happened..
But it was not about Martha…

It turned out, that a true friend of Martha – Kasia – was in need.
She needed some kind words and support.
The first person, who wanted to help her, and worried about her was… Martha…
…from behind bards… from far away…

All week Martha called her family very rarely.
All the time she was calling to Kasia.
Only with those short, six minutes calls she was uplifting Kasia.

We all wished Kasia well, and we were worried.
We’re wery happy, that presumably everything is fine now… If one can say that…

Nothing will destroy true friendship…
Always HELP others, because when you will find yourself in need, help can get back to you from least expected side.
Sometimes you don’t need much to effectively help…

“I will be grateful to you till the end of my life, and I will do everything for our family to be always strong and loving…”

My beloved, I want to thank You for your kind hearts. That you are with me and you give me your support. I miss You so much every day, but I am happy that I have someone I can miss. That 6 minutes of phone call every day for me is like a dessert after dinner 😉 I am very lucky that I have such love and that I have You. Some women here don’t have that and it’s very hard for them, so I understand their behavior. Because of You giving me so much strength, I can pass it to some of the women here.
I know how much sacrifice and torment all of this costs You, I can’t even imagine how can I repay you for such kindness. I will be grateful to you till the end of my life, and I will do everything for our family to be always strong and loving. It’s my greatest treasure. You and our close ones. What’s more important? For me the most important is that we can hear each other, see each other, touch. And someday we will do this aaaall together.
And this thought, thanks to You, helps me to survive everything here. Nothing more is important. Do not worry, I want you to be proud of me, and I will be strong!
Because I love life, always thanks to You, it doesn’t matter what it is, but I’m not alone in it.

Thank You!

Love You!

“Martha Herda is still waiting for help from her compatriots in Ireland” – a call for help from Marcin Gromiec (in Polish language)

Thus speaks Gromiec

Martha Herda is still waiting for help from her compatriots in Ireland


Highly recommended
I want to help

You’ve met Martha and you want to help in the production of a TV programme? – you are welcome

If you are a part of Martha’s family…
If you are one of Martha’s friends…
If you are one of Martha’s acquaintances…
If you had any occasion to meet Martha…

…You can help Martha.
Tell about Martha in front of TV cameras.
Or record a speech for yourself (even with a cellphone) and send it to us.
If you want…

Or maybe you have some archive recordings or photos with Martha?
If you can, then please share them with us…

And if you DON’T want…

…Then… soon you will see how others are trying to help her,,,
… They don’t lack the courage, the determination, the feeling of justice, sensitivity to harm of others…

… Thank You…

Highly recommended

Fight for justice for Martha enters decisive phase – may we ASK for help?

What happened after rejecting of Martha’s case by Supreme Court?
We don’t want to say: “Nothing happened”.
We want to say: “Nothing happened that we didn’t foresee”.
Accumulation of negative emotions in Ireland around Martha’s case didn’t allow us to have too much hope for decision positive for Martha.
We will speak about the decision of the Supreme Court.
We had to try…
We had to try to make the renowned judges in Ireland, sitting in the Supreme Court, interested in Martha’s case.
The delegated judges made their decision.
They are not interested.
It is not known whether unanimously.
We can only thank, that they didn’t wait too long to make the decision.
Briefly and directly, in a way comprehensible even for a layman, they also dealt with the incompetence of Martha’s defenders.

Now we’re moving to further actions.
It is comforting, that the limit of probable failures that we assumed, has just been exhausted.
With pleasure we move to the next stages.
Stages for restoring justice for Martha.
For fixing the harm done to Martha in Ireland.
With no illusions…
With no naive expectations…

Regarding this, we will turn to you with pleas for help.
We will have 3 enormous pleas.
Every plea will be extremely important.

We will be most grateful to kind people who will want to actively answer our requests.
The next half of year and the next 12 months will be decisive.
For that to happen, exceptional HELP is needed NOW…
…and from NOW…
The more people will want to help us, the more the help for Martha will be effective…

Highly recommended

I want to help – financially

The amount of gathered financial resources for helping Martha is updated daily.

We thank very much for financial support.

Providing effective and professional help for Martha, one we would like to provide, both in Ireland as in Strasburg, involves great financial costs.

All the time, Martha’s family and friends, bear every financial cost themselves.
They do as much as they can, and as much as financial resources allow them to.

We were resisting against fundraising and we do not have any experience in this. We don’t want to impose ouorself with fundraising.
But we are also convinced, that creating a specal fund will have a positive influence on the quality and effectiveness of helping Martha.

Gathered resources we would like to use for professional solicitor (now it is still public solicitor), special psychological and language opinions, translations, possible media activities or other actions necessary for providing effective help for Martha.

Martha’s family lives in Poland, but isn’t raising money for their monthly flights and stays in Ireland.
They visit Ireland only to support Martha, but they treat this as their family duty, and a pleasure of contacting with Martha, and they don’t raise any funds for this purpose.

Currently gathered resources
Fundacja ALFA
ul. Zeusa 47/29
01-497 Warszawa

PLN: 67 2490 0005 0000 4600 1934 9071110 PLN
EUR: 14 2490 0005 0000 4600 5400 5603120 EUR
USD: 49 2490 0005 0000 4600 2320 86370 USD

For now no amount was spent from gathered money.

We thank very much to every benevolent people for all of their help.

Was Martha shouting ‘help’ or ‘rape’

26th of march 2013, at 6am, Martha is running, cold, soaked, teeth chattering, and shouting ‘help‘.
Martha has no doubts about what she was shouting.
Some witnesses are not capable to distinct if she was shouting ‘help’ or ‘rape’.

What could she possibly be shouting?

Although reactions of people can be various, but would a raped person be running, shouting all over the town, that she was raped?
Victims of the tragedy of rape, often hide it from the whole world, they do not shout it all over the town.
Rape causes closing into yourself, often for the whole life, It does not cause running with remnants of strength, shouting about one’s tragedy, to the people.

If Martha was really raped, would she want to inform all Arklow about her harm?

So why did Garda suggested, that Martha was shouting 'rape'?
3 votes · 1 answer

But the motive, as Martha supposedly wanted to kill Csaba, is non existent.