Women remember best those flowers which they didn’t get – No flower… just one candy and back to the cell… – International Women’s Day in Dochas Centre in Dublin

International Women’s Day in Dochas Centre in Dublin, Ireland…
It’s next Women’s Day for Martha spent in prison…
Every time something different…

And now?
How did March 8, 2019, look like in Dochas Centre in Dublin, Ireland?

Short meeting in the gym…
…Women sang 4 songs…
…got one chocolate candy each and… back to the cell…

Some women in Dochas Centre was counting for something, and got nothing…
Including Martha.
She hoped at least for some flower…

Romantic and accustomed to some values and traditions, Martha made herself hearts from the modelling clay, and put them in her cell…


“I wish for Every Woman the eternal beauty in the heart…”

“I wish for all Women the eternal beauty in the heart
and for life to bloom colourfully.
That every woman could feel safe, cared for and loved…
…appreciated and fulfilled…”

A special phone, special memory …

“I will be grateful to you till the end of my life, and I will do everything for our family to be always strong and loving…”

My beloved, I want to thank You for your kind hearts. That you are with me and you give me your support. I miss You so much every day, but I am happy that I have someone I can miss. That 6 minutes of phone call every day for me is like a dessert after dinner 😉 I am very lucky that I have such love and that I have You. Some women here don’t have that and it’s very hard for them, so I understand their behavior. Because of You giving me so much strength, I can pass it to some of the women here.
I know how much sacrifice and torment all of this costs You, I can’t even imagine how can I repay you for such kindness. I will be grateful to you till the end of my life, and I will do everything for our family to be always strong and loving. It’s my greatest treasure. You and our close ones. What’s more important? For me the most important is that we can hear each other, see each other, touch. And someday we will do this aaaall together.
And this thought, thanks to You, helps me to survive everything here. Nothing more is important. Do not worry, I want you to be proud of me, and I will be strong!
Because I love life, always thanks to You, it doesn’t matter what it is, but I’m not alone in it.

Thank You!

Love You!

“I wish for you and your close ones…”

We have somewhat foreseen the problems with sending Martha’s wishes for the family and people close.
Simply, after those few years we don’t expect anything good from Irish prison Service.
(Of course if something good will happen, we will acknowledge that and we will thank for it)

Foreseeing it, we’ve asked Martha to make a list of people to which she sends letters, right after sending.
Now we publish Martha’s list.

Magda… / Władysław..
Trevor and Sue / Dora…(Florida)
Aunt Marysia with Family
The Frog with the Family/ Magda…
Mum and Krzyś with family + …
Dad + Renata / Łacuś and Emilia
Paddy / Beata Pytel
A card and a surprise to you.
Daniel’s Mum and Buśka’s Family
Martyna Aftyka / Marcin Gromiec
Krysia / Siobhan (…)
Jennifer (the lady who was here)
Aśka + Family (Daniel Buśka’s sister)

Jagoda and Radek(friends from France)
Tomasz… Dagmara
Kaśka … and Daniel Buśka
Mariusz / Alicja… (postcard)
Rafał 2x
David (…)
Konrad Łakomy (… from Lublin)

Maciej …
Bernadett (the lady who was here)

“Please tell Everyone, that I remember about them…”

On Wednesday, December 12, 2018, Marta gave the Irish prison service to send  postcards with wishes.
Various, individual wishes.
Even for the people who do not celebrate Christmas.
Postcards for thirty five people and their families.

We didn’t update the “Correspondence” link with this information.
We wanted it to be a surprise for the people who were meant to receive the postcards.
And so we waited, waited…
We were calm, but Martha was nervous…
She was nervous about that someone could think that she forgot about him or her…

“Please tell Everyone, that I remember about them…”

Currently, after over two months, the correspondence starts to arrive also to Poland.
What are the stamp dates?
February 8 and February 11, 2019.

Where was this correspondence between December 12, 2018, and February 8 or 11, 2019?
For two months…
Was it in Dochas Centre prison in Dublin in Ireland, all this time?
Did translating it take so much time?

Irish prison service has time…
Martha was sentenced for lifetime imprisonment, what difference does it make for Irish prison service, will the correspondence be sent today, in two months, or in two years…
With such level of spite from Irish prison service, maybe we should be happy that Martha’s correspondence was sent at all…
Maybe we should be thanking even for delayed humane impulses…

“I wish TRUE AND SINCERE LOVE to Everyone”

“I wish TRUE AND SINCERE LOVE to Everyone”
– all Martha.

After a joyful visit from one of friends.
After hearing very good news from the freedom.
Happy with the support of many good-hearted people.
Ready to keep fighting for her freeedom.
She makes a special phone call on evening…
… she sends special wishes coming from her heart…
…she remembers about everyone…
…she remembers about special days…

They’ve made it! – Huge success of Irish prison service in Dochas Centre in Dublin!

They’ve made it!
We have already doubted if it will be possible.
Martha intervened twice.
Twice she talked to two Governors.
We were afraid that this will be to much to handle for Irish prison service in Dochas Centre in Dublin.
Maybe it will be too difficult.
Maybe it will be too complicated.
Maybe it will require too much effort.

And finally… There it is!
They’ve made it!
The Impossible became Possible!
…Only in the moment, when everyone lost their hope.

Maybe this was a tough inner struggle.
To do, or NOT to do?

After… 2 months…
There’s a surprise…
Long after the Christmas and after New Year…
Next holiday soon…

And Irish prison service had finally dealt with it and did it…

…from December 12, 2018…

We don’t know yet if all of them…
But we have signals from Ireland, that three people have already received them…
So there it is!
It started!
Only 32 more postcards sent by Martha on mid December 2018.


What are you afraid of, Irish GARDA? – “lie needs to be guarded

“The truth will defend itself – lie needs to be guarded”

Is Irish GARDA afraid of someone?

Maybe it’s afraid of mother wishing to get her child back?
Maybe a sister, who would want to see her younger sibling and a friend free…
Maybe a few true friends of Martha, who support her and her family as much as they can…
Can one be afraid of such small group of people?
Are they that strong and powerful?

Does irish GARDA try to intimidate, bribe or in some other way discourage people who want to help Martha?
If that’s the case… we thank you…
First of all: Martha’s situation turned out to be a true test for Martha’s family and friends. It already turned out who is a true family and who is a true friend. And it still turns out.
If you act that way Irish GARDA, then we thank you very much:
you’re helping us “to sift”.
More can be done with few true, honest, sincere and trustworthy people, than with a mixed “herd”.
(Please do not take offence in the word “herd”. We don’t have anything bad or derogatory in mind. Everyone has the right to his or her fear. And may use this right whenever he or she wants.
We use the word “herd” to be understandable to the addressees. Among the Irish symbols are a shamrock and a sheep. We don’t know exactly if its an ewe or ram).
Secondly: we offer you an accelerated course of Polish nature:
If you forbid something to a Pole, if you bully or discourage him, then a Pole will go there anyway even if he had no intention to do so.
History of Poland shows this clearly.
We don’t know how much Irish nature is corruptible or inclined to be intimidated. (We have our opinion but we don’t want to express it – the case isn’t ended yet. Probably at the end we will share our observations and findings).
Either way – if you act like that, Irish GARDA, we… thank you…
You mobilize the Poles… you help us…

Or maybe Irish GARDA is afraid of something?

Maybe… the TRUTH
But we can’t help here.
The truth will come out regardless of us acting or not.
Maybe people whom Martha’s case involves will be retired, or maybe they will not be here anymore…
Sooner or later, names of people involved, or rather “stained” with sentencing poor girl, will stop being considered as an impeccable guard of the Rule of Law…
Their families will be left with… with what exactly? With what kind of opinion?
After years the TRUTH comes back with greater strength and has grater impact.
And it uncovers everything… All machinations, manipulations, violations…
…Someone will write a book… Someone will make a movie based on facts… Maybe even win some prizes… Get deserved fame…

WHO is afraid of the TRUTH?
…The one who has something to hide…

What are you hiding?
What are you afraid of, Irish GARDA?

Maybe you are afraid that Martha “had to be convicted”, and Martha’s case has more to it?

Difficult meeting of Martha “with PAST” – …for the FUTURE?

December was promising to be very emotional for Martha.
There were supposed to be two Christmas meetings: 1. Alternatives to Violence Project Chritmas Dinner (it was held without Martha’s participation) and 2. Annual dinner for “lifers” with their closest ones.
Additionally Martha made some changes to her visitors list.
Temporarily (until end of January 2019) she removed three people from the list to make place for new 3 people, who asked for possibility to meet Martha.
First is Marcin Gromiec (we have published the relations from the meeting with Martha and the “plight before and after”)
Next two people are Martha’s former friends: Anna and Katarzyna.
Martha was wondering if she should consent to their visit.
She wondered if she is ready.
Many years had passed… But wounds remain…
After consulting the family, Martha agreed to those visits.

Everyone is making mistakes, more or less painful.
But if someone reaches with initiative – then everyone deserves a chance…

On Saturday, January 5, 2019, at 3 p.m., there was a meeting after many years.
Martha was visited by her old friend – Anna (earlier Martha received a letter from Anna).
It was a difficult meeting.
It began with welcome and with words “I’m sorry” from the mouth of old friend.
Those words, “I’m sorry”, fell about three times.
It was an honest talk. Face to face…
Calm exchange of views, and talking about everything that hurt before and still hurts.
Martha was calm during the talk.
She saw, that it is hard for an old friend.
It wasn’t easy for Martha also.
Maybe this wasn’t making it easy talk for each other, but it’s important, that such meeting and such talk even happened.
… it will be easier for everyone…
… and we will see what will happen next…

We thank for that meeting…
“No one is without a sin”, but the worst thing is holding to wrong behavior.
We thank for “breaking”,  for coming, for overcoming own fears.
Such action needed much strength.
We notice that and we appreciate.
Maybe some role had Martha’s old friend’s family in this…
Maybe a change happened…
It’s possible, that earlier advice of the family to not step forward, were replaced by advice like “It shouldn’t be this way”…
Maybe it’s an example, that you need only one person to break something, bu to fix it – many people are needed…

Of course one visit will not wipe out many things and many years…
Through these years Martha’s true friends could do very much…
…and they are real support for Martha…
But that’s a start…
And a pattern in some way…
There are many, many more people who should come…
Maybe it’s not about coming itself, but about an appropriate action…
…or a change of previous actions…
…or starting to act at all, when one stood on the sidelines…

Will you change in time?
Will you make it to tell that to Martha?
Will you make it to visit Martha while she’s still in Ireland?
How many years do you need?…